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A dump post

Rabu dah

kejap je

minggu ni dah tak ada dah emosional bagai. Alhamdulillah. Sampai tengok cerita Hotel Del Luna part sedih pon, bergenang pon tidak  Part scene sedih tu boleh tak terheran kejap. Cam, kenapa tak meleleh ni? sebab selalunya kalau tengok drama memang senang sangat air hujan turun.

Yang aku perasan, diri ni tak boleh terlalu dry sangat emosi tu. Sebab dia bukan betul-betul tak peduli, tapi emosi tu akan build up dan bila dah sampai threshold dia.....mula la break down. Bahaya


Many things happened within this little time from the last post. Might be mundane things for others, but not so for me.

On Sunday, I accompanied mak to her acquaintance cafe. we had a lovely breakfast together. An english style breakfast.....which is not to my liking and I kept on thinking I want Nasi Lemak! (which they have actually).  and somewhere along our conversations mak touched on when she's 'gone' thingy...I was extremely saddened by that. Like really really sad..

There's once thought long few years back.....I have this sudden thought that if mak is gone, I want to be gone together with her. Like I cant see myself living when she's not......but again, who journey might be shorter than her.

 Come monday. Aulad had Haji Cilik event under Tadika Swasta Hulu Langat, which sounds like fun..Me and couple of teachers couldnt join as we still have kids over at tadika. So we could only enjoy the event from photos. But it's all good.

Tuesday, one of my nephew make a report on Azani regarding his behavior towards his ustazah at Sekolah Agama. Which got me steaming. Now see here. I'm a teacher and really dislike it when my students being rude. Other things I can deal with but not rudeness. And when I hear that one of my kids behave rudely....Oh my God....furious giller! He got an earful that night!! And I hope and pray that he'll become someone who has all the sifat Mahmudah always.

Azani one thing
Maryam one thing

One who always listen and behave at home but acting up at school
While the other a good student at school but seriously acting up at home

I am seriously at a loss!

Parenting is H A R D !!

Hence, I bought 2 books on parenting. And I hope to Allah to help me ease the process

All in all....

Life goes on


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