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Showing posts from April, 2010

Touch the star for time will not flee

I cant sleep. Shocking! usually, I was in my dreamland by now. . . . . . I just found out that the next book on Alpha & Omega series would be out somewhere around fall next year..waaaaaaa.....that's like gazillion years away! And I'm hungry for more Anna and Charles! sigh... no choice then. hafta wait 'patiently'.....

petang yg bahagia

balik umah dari keje, cuaca tgh panas... muke pon dah berminyak2 sebab panas sangat.. perut berbunyik... masuk2 je dapur, bukak peti ais, scan ape isi perut peti ais tu... aha..! ade ais kem!!!! tengok kat atas counter lemari, ade roti.. aha!! Idea!!!!! amik sekeping roti, lipat dua,  sendok 3 scoop askem, letak askem kat in between lipatan roti tadi.. nyam nyam nyam!!!! nikmatnye dapat makan roti askemmmmmm.... burb.. alhamdulillah!

I love NICOLE......VJ?? ermm..okay kot...

semalam... hati gundah gulana nak bershopping. hari ini.. lepas meround satu Alamanda bersama Imah, beli sana sikit, beli sini sikit, belanja adik2 kakak sikit, balik umah, termenung kejap....duit dalam bank dah menciput..... ade 2 minggu lagi... cayok!!!!! ps: boleh ke aku bertahan 2 minggu tak shopping ni?

I want to sleep rite now..goodnite!

the me at the moment, very super lazy to update this blog. Forget this blog, I even  felt reluctant to open the laptop. But, of course I WILL on my lappy. pffftt..what question is that?.okay, no question been asked *bengong* :P . but no, seriously, I felt tired! why? because I woke up at 4.55 am, went to work at 5.30 am, and by 6 am, I'll be in front of the PC for the WHOLE office hour. And now I think my eyes going more blur then they already did. gahhh*went nuts* ......... =____= . . . . . nah.. that's just my excuse for not updating my  blog. :P oh yeah..dont forget to go to my shawls blog and grab a piece or two ^^