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Me and my career

It's been nearly 2 years now since I hold the title Pre-School teacher. And people often ask me why havent I pursue engineering career as I hold a degree on that area...

If I am not me, I probably ask the same question. All those years battling the engineering course(which is not easy!!) and the loans taken to pay the fees, felt like a shame all that for nothing...

But thing is...

Not everything is according to your plan

and being me, I am more go with the flow kind of person

So, after graduated, of course I tried to look for an engineering spot. And guess what? I didnt get any. I did get a job though. As a Level 1 I.T. services at HP(Cyberjaya). Basically providing IT services to the GM company in Australia. And I am very thankful that I finally landed a job. Finally! After months of searching. And I like(love even!) working there. The environment is good, salary is good, benefit is quite good!! all in all, all is good!

I worked there for 2 years(nearly 3 years) and I resigned. There are quite few reasons why I left the company. But the main reason was I could not handle doing the same damn thing everyday!. and it kinda stressed me out. So I talked to my supervisor back then to request for a department change . But he talked me out of it. So I hold on for a while

but I snapped. So I quit. 

Desk job is so not me. I cannot handle the boredom that it produce. And I cannot even think of doing the same job for the next 2 years or so..

even if the salary was nice....

(few months after I left, my old dept get dissolved and hence, all of my ex colleague been sent to new dept. So maybe I should have hang on for a bit more before resigning. But I cant read future and all of that is in the past now..)

Quitting a job when you have no other job prospect is NOT a good idea.

because you are back to square one! back to hunting jobs. Which did not come easily to me unfortunately.

So, at the end, I kinda become a pre school teacher. And despite it's up and down, I really enjoying it. 

So is it wrong for me to pursue this career? I you ask me, I will say NO!, Go Kirin!! Go do what you think is best. 

Let's pray that I get to be the best Pre-school teacher ever exist in Malaysia !


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