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How emotional are you?

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I got the result below.

You are not very emotional
Whether it’s natural self-control or a deliberate decision, you seem detached and don’t often show your emotions. You are alert and self-possessed and you refuse to be blinded by your feelings. However, since expressing our emotions is a way of coping with things, being indifferent is in itself an emotional response. But whatever the reality is, you come across as cold and give the impression that you are withdrawn and isolated from the world around you. You don’t want to seem like a conformist, so you rarely express an opinion, whatever it is, not even if it’s to let people know that you are in a good mood or that you are happy. Because you suppress your emotions you seem blasé. Does that sound familiar? Perhaps you are, in fact, extremely emotional, but unable to show it, keeping your real sensitivity locked away. Or maybe you have tried to remain impervious to everyday emotions to preserve your freedom? You’ve developed a thick skin to protect you from others and you try to be ‘zen’ about things so as not to appear vulnerable. These are the qualities that make you a dominant personality. But living alongside you means to constantly have to decipher how you’re feeling because your moments of joy, happiness, love, resentment, indecision, anger or fear are always tempered by your sang-foid. In 1984, George Orwell portrayed the dangers of a world without emotion. What if you allowed yourself to stop hiding how you felt and allowed your emotions to work in conjunction with the other qualities that you possess?


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