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Reminiscence; Reply 1998

I'm currently watching Reply 1994. It's been a while since I've watched drama (coz all I ever watched nowadays were reality tv or variety shows) and  from the review given, they say that this was a good drama....So might as well slave myself watching this.

I still havent finish it because it was too long(I dont have the stamina to watch all the episodes through the day and night nonstop like I used to. Must be the age =_= ...... ). There are about 21 episode and I'm about half way through but so far the drama was goooood. The acting was very good.LOve love the way they act. The casts were great and there were quite numbers of scenes that could makes women go jelly(mmm hhmmmm)^^.

There's drama, humor, tears, humor, drama, sports.....and lots of guessing....and friendship!

anyway.... when I watched the first episode, all those props in the drama got me feeling a bit nostalgic. I was kinda being taken back to my high school. Oh those days...goshh....

I know that the year stated in the drama was 1994 and I was 9 during that year and shouldnt have any corncern what so ever regarding highschool, but the feeling was the same. Those were the days where internet and handphones/smartphones havent taken over mankind yet.

Anyway. This drama makes me miss my highschool year. So much! . Makes me remember all the little details that was kinda forgotten.

  • Like how I took my sister's walkman and bring it with me back to my school/dorm.
  • Buying Modern Love cassette album from my senior coz she don't want the album any more.
  • The small talk with my dorm mate just because of the walkman.
  • The stress/anxiety of trying to hide the walkman from teachers/prefects coz it was 'illegal' on the school/dorm ground.

Then come the era of Auto Scan FM Radio. But we simply call it transistor. It was cheap, easily broken, but thank god it was cheap, very mini. Which was a good thing. Easier to hide.Coz it was still illegal. But even if it got confiscated, we just bought a new one. Heh..

God.........I still remember studying for exam on Sunday, on my friends bed, at the dorm, with my friends, sharing earphones listening to the countdown on ()

or the one when I just simply walking back to dorm from night prep with those earphones still stucked at my ears. Humming along with the song. Very care less to the surrounding (now that I think about it..).

One of my fondest memory. Ever.

PS: The drama kinda reminds me of the mangas by Mitsuru Adachi(his mangas was the best!). Childhood friends -> Unrequited/onesided love -> lovers , friendships,sports, drama, heart-ache, boarding life......they kinda have those in common. Just saying.....    


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