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Big Bad Wolf

the Website


It's been a while since I last blogged...

Anyway, the Big Bad Wolf is in town!!!!! 

And this is my first time BigBadWolfing.. 

Went there twice now for the current sale. The first time around was on the first day, 6th of Dec...There's  lot of people and I was there like 8.00 a.m. that day. People came with big travel bag(wheeled of course and at first I was like why did they bring that? is it really necessary? but man, I wish I knew better that day) , or with boxes(not a good idea if you ask me.I mean, you have to walk around with box in your hands which said box will be loaded with lots of books. Nope. Not a good idea), and big bags.Shopping bag.Tote. Actually, I kinda don't know what they called it. But I brought that bag with me to the book sale. And unless your bag's straps are sturdy enough to hold the weight of the books that you're going to carry, forget this option. Unfortunately for me, the bag's strap that I brought along wasn't strong enough and it snapped.

Enough babbling

let me show you what I bought that day. All this below RM200. Which is super super super and I mean super cheap. You got hardcover novels at RM8. Like WHAT? tell me how can I not went a little nut inside the hall. Freaking crazy I tell ya.

All this below RM200 \($v$)/. See the bag's strap? Snapped!

All romance. I kinda gravitate towards this kind of genre. No matter how I tried to resist them. Trust me, I do get tired of this thingy called romance what the heck ever, but...I just don't like the other genre. I've tried. It just doesn't work out with me). That Paranormal Romance book up there, was only RM5 and I was, what the heck. Just grab it. Plus the guy's eyes on the cover of the book kinda begged me to buy it. And you know what, the stories in it was okay. Not bad. Not bad at all...

Books for my sister. She make a list of the books she wants and I'm having quite a tough time trying to find them. Kinda like treasure hunting. Finding needle in the haystack. Pfftt...

Books for my class. I'm really happy buying these books. And these were the books that I opened first when I got home.

The second time I went there was today. But this time I just accompanied  my mom(or so I told my self). And I brought this bag. which is a very very good thing(Those books are heavy!). Lesson learned from the first trip!!

Most of these are my mom's cook book. I only grabbed 1 novel, 1 sudoku notebook, and several books for Aulad/my class.

Pros: Those books are super cheap. Like normal price RM50, it'll go down to RM8. Cheap cheap cheap!!

1. Most of the books are old book. Like 2-3 years old. Most.
2. Hunger Games series sold out at the first day itself. And I was there in the morning! I mean, come on!!   =__=
3. The book I want was not there. And I've made quite few rounds to find them
4. BIG freaking hole in my pocket (TT______TT)

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