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Oh My English !

Reading back my previous post, I was like.......the sentences are kinda weird..... freaking grammatically error everywhere

English.....*sigh*. Gotta look back at my English TextBook and revised them back.

It's not that I dont want to write in Malay, but I figured that if dont keep on writing in English, those skills/knowledge will fade. These kind of things need practice. Right?

And if you must know, for one freaking post, I spent for at least 30 minutes-1 hour before it can be published. The most frustrating things that keep on happened to me for every post was that I always could not find the word. The freaking word! ! !  *sigh* My head make sentences in Malay, so I had to translate it in English which often didnt come out as fast as I want to. Just because I couldn't remember the English word for it. Dang to ke dang dang dang it!!!

That's for written English.

Now, for spoken English....

Now that I'm unemployed, I haven't spoke in English as much as I used to. Which I know, I'm going to have a hard time resmoothing back those skills. Even back then, I still had difficulties conversing in it. But me right now is for sure is better than me 3 years ago where I often mixed up the 'He' and 'She' when referring to the third person(Altho I'm completely aware that He is for male and She is for female). Practice makes perfect.

I've got into a short so called 'Educational Argument' few months back with one of my brother about the english education in school. He kinda argued why we(me and Imah) opt for English in our education and why can't Malaysia just use Bahasa Malaysia as our main language in everything we do(err..not really sure the exact words, but the content more or less on why we mainly use the foreign language as opposed to our mother tounge). See, the way he said it was like say no to English and use Bahasa only or else Bahasa will be forever lost in this world.

I agreed on the part that we shouldn't forget Bahasa Malaysia as that is our language! Without it, we dont have the right to held our head high and claim of being a Malaysian.

But then, I asked my brother back. " Did you get your BM 1A or even 2A in SPM?" and he just shrinking his head. For this kind of argument, what makes me mad was the person who's argued didn't even have the through and through knowledge of BM. I mean, you can talk the talk, but please walk the walk.

For me, I would say, learn all sorts of languages.

The more you learn, the more knowledge you got.

The more knowledge you got, the more power/stronger you'll get.


What's the purpose of this post again? I kinda babbling.... and this supposed to be only 2 paragraphs post...
Oh well.....

Pok Amai Amai Belalang Kupu Kupu
Tepuk Adik Pandai Upah Minum Susu
Susu Lemak Manis Santan Kelapa Muda
Adik Jangan Nangis Emak Pergi Kerja

P/S: I've learned Arabic back in highschool. It was soo hard!! the grammar was nothing like Bahasa's grammar. It's harder than English. Bahasa Arab Komunikasi is nothing compared to Bahasa Arab Tinggi. And I'm basically traumatized after SPM......


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