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Ho Chi Minh City - day 4

We're going back today!!!!

Nothing much to do today as we got a flight to catch. So....before the flight thingie happen....


Ben Thanh market for the last minute shopping ! ! ! ! !  ^^

Snap snap......kachik kachik kachik.......

Last minute packing

Notice Imah wearing Vietnam's clothe? heh :P

And Sayonara Vietnam ! ! ! !

*sigh* this is one good trip. I definitely have to come here again! There's so much places that I didn't go on this trip due to the lack of time.

PS: Pandas ! if you read this, lets plan a trip to vietnam!


a.T.i.e.Q.a said…
jom jom.. kaki aku memang dah gatal je ni nak jalan :D
keireen said…
jom!! tapi krabi blom g lagi..huhuhuh
Anonymous said…
tak sabar nak baca pengalaman ngeri naik teksi tu..auntie nak tau gak apakah peristiwa yang menakutkan itu.
keireen said…
Nak tulis...tapi payah la pulak nak susun ayat..huhuhu..tunggguuuu ^^

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