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Ho Chi Minh City - day 3

Today we're going to Cu Chi Tunnel!!! For those who dont know, go google it. Or just go take the tour  when you have the chance. We take the tour that was provided by the hotel. But the tour itself was actually from Tuan Travel Day Tours. We paid at the Hotel for the 1/2 day tour for 10USD. But I kinda notice that if you straight away go to their agency, it was like 3USD(if I'm not mistaken. But I'm pretty sure it was less than 5USD). The Admission fee to the Cu Chi Tunnel is VND90,000(more or less 4.5USD)

Anyway, that morning, at 7.a.m., we had breakfast at Basiroh. By 7.45 a.m., a bus will drop by our hotel and fetch us. It was not until 8a.m. that the bus drove away from it's parking spot because we were waiting on people to get into the bus. But then, we still not heading to the Cu Chi Tunnel. We stopped at 2 Tuan Travel Day Tours's place to fetch the tour guide and the people joining the tour. 8.20 a.m., we finally hit the road. Our tour guide was a war veteran named Jacky. He is very informative and told us a lot about vietnam war. So, I felt privileged/lucky to have him as a tour guide.

It's Raining. And we were waiting for the bus to move. I saw the locals from the bus and make myself useful by snapping some pictures. The green bag are mine bought from the night before at the Ben thanh Night Market. Snapping the bag because I'm bored.

Halfway to the Cu Chi Tunnel, we make a stop at a village(it's a factory really. Factory in a village :) ) to see people that was affected by the Agent Orange due to the Vietnam War. those were 3rd generation people I tell ya. The grandchild to the grandpa. If you get what I mean.

Cu Chi Tunnel at last!!! We arrived at Cu Chi Tunnel around 10.50a.m.Finally..The scenery throughout the journey was kinda the same like the scenery in Malaysia. There's paddy field, Ladang Getah(what's that in english? Rubber plantation? too lazy to google), cows(or was it the cows cousin? I never could really differentiate among them *shrugs*). enuf bout the seeeneriii..let's talk about the Cu Chi Tunnel. Scratch that. Right now I'm too lazy to  make sentences(english are too much hardwork! why the hell do I write in English! their grammar are nearly like outerspace language to me. Makes no sense...gimme math anytime =......=).
Left: First, we were bring to some kind of a open hall and watch little bit of Documentary about the vietnam war. The information of that Documentary were stored in my shortterm memory shelves. So right now, it kinda disappeared. Only bits and pieces are left.
Right: See the guy with white shirt? that's Jacky. Our tour guide. We really know a lot because of him. Plus, our group number were quite small. Not more than 18(I think). 

See the rectangular wood cover? That's how those Vietnamese people get into the underground tunnel. At first glance I thought that it was impossible for anyone gonna fit that tiny hole. Minutes after that, my thought was proved wrong by that person in the picture on the right! Huh...the heck. ?? I keep on shouting in head " IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE!!" . (=____+) After the demonstration, Jacky ask if there's anyone would like to try it. I want to!! But it's raining. And the ground kinda wet. And we still have plans for that afternoon that I dont really want to make myself dirty. Besides, even if it's not raining and the ground is clean and dry, I would think twice before making decision to jump into the hole. I mean, I'm 5 foot tall, and would probably totally be INSIDE the hole without having the chance of sticking head outside the hole. Adding to that, my upper body kinda weak. So how am I going to get out of that freaking tiny hall. I don't want to be stuck there !. No thank you..

It's wet!! and Wet!!. but we don't really care. I kinda had fun ^^

This is one of the other entrance to the tunnel.  Mom and Imah scared don't want to go down. Being the adventurous(ahem) one, I'm pretty excited!!

I'm not trying to show you the lady's butt. Just want to show you guys the size of the tunnel. The lady's height probably around 168-172 cm. It's quite hot down there. And tho they put in lights for every 5m(probably) or so, it's still kinda dark. By the time I went up to the beautiful(altho wet) ground again, I'm sweating a lot. Like lots of lot..geddit?

the tour finished at 1.15p.m. So back to HCMC. You think that they will bring us back to our hotel. No. They stop at their agency. THEIRS. So we had to get back on our own to OUR hotel. That's kinda a let down don't you think? I should have ask at the hotel what the package's entitled(does this sentence makes sense? I cant think right now). And I mean ALL the details. Well, lesson learned.. Thank god that it's not that far from our hotel. So we decided to walk. No. wait. Backspace.. Actually, we didn't know where we were. And we dont know how to get back to the hotel on our own. And to make matters worse, I left my map at the hotel!. how maddening is that!? So, mom asked Jacky the direction again(we asked just after we got off the bus the first time but we still not sure). Still after the direction given, we kinda not get it. Felt like a blind man walking without his stick, really. But...we still brace ourselves and walk. My mind was like, if we truly lost, we could just grab a taxi. No biggie.

Did I tell you we were hungry?  No? We were..

And like blind men finally see rays of light, We found a Halal Restaurant!! TADAHH!!! It's not far from the agency!!... the Agency is on the corner lot. And there's an alley beside it which is where the restaurant located. Well. Food matters. What ever condition you're in, if there's food, chances of your mood to be brightened up are quite high. it is......

During our lunch, Imah tried using her phone for the directions using GPS(satellite). Her phone's batteries are quite low so I took picture of the map just in case. Tried to use GPS on my phone but it refused to locate the location. Dunno what the hell the problem is. It's the same application as my sister's. The only difference is  the phone itself. Cheh!

Food? tick
Map? tick
Know the way? small tick

We got to the hotel safely. Alhamdulillah. Hurray! balik bilik Solat kejap

Still got time? yes!

Cho Ben Thanh again! Shop Shop Shop...

The sun disappeared. Moon time! and Mom decided to have a foot massage at the Osaka Spa. Just infront of the hotel.

Me Madame was tired. Hence the foot massage. Me? Dunno why, but still high on the energy.

While Madame get her foot massage, me and Imah decided to look around the city a bit. Did I tell you that the streets are the back of my mind kinda had a ghost whispered saying that it's dangerous for 2 girls(ladies really. We're waaay beyond 'girl's'  =_____= ) roaming around aimlessly. But what the heck. I got a pair of new sneakers. Imah grab a pair too + a shawl. So, all was good.

so..that's all for day 3.

Such a fun day *Grin*


Kakzakie Purvit said…
Kakak thought you dare to enter the underground tunnel hihi... of course your mum like kakak even gives us thousand RM we still not consider at all...
keireen said…
Hehehe...Have to be brave kakzakie. It's not that bad ^v^
ASH said…
budak berdua ni....well..berani jugak korang merayap!

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