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Last weekend, My Parents, Imah and I went to Port Dickson. My Father had some work stuffs that he had to do and the rest of us decided to tag along.

Before we go there, I asked my father the hotel that we're going to stay. And he answered Tiara Beach Resort.

By the name of that resort, one would think that it's located beside a beach. Nu-uh. Might want to think again. There's no beach! Even if you stretched out your eyes, you wont see them.

Oh.. There's a makeshift beach. A pool that they make it look like a beach.The water is dirrty though. Nevertheless, I found that kids to love the pool.

One thing that so annoying and irritated the heck of us was the Karaoke. Open Karaoke!. I dont care if they want to sing their heart out if they did it in a Karaoke Room. But to sing it on an open stage? have some consideration will ya! it's night. There's not even a single audience. Kalo sore macam  Siti Nurhaliza sanggup ar gak nak menahan telinga. Ni sore sengau, offkey, saket pale dengo.  (-\\  . //-)

So the next time you guys plan to visit Port Dickson, don't even bother considering Tiara Beach Resort.

Review from TripAdvisor: click here

Note: Go find resort/hotel/chalet on the Port Dickson side, not Teluk Kemang side. The water is much better there.


lupekanje said…
wahh...kireen gi picnic....err...artificial beach jer ..heheh

Acik dulu kojo kat dopan Tiara tu...Palm Springs Golf Resort... lagi bagus gi main golf, dari duk dengaq karoke tk sedap....hehhe
ASH said…
tertipu ek...situ untuk kanak kanak okay laa..utk anak dara macam you all memang boringgg..hehe

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