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walking along the memory lane


see the swing above!? well, that was the very swing that me and my siblings played during our childhood period. it's been there like forever! sitting there in front of my grandparents house and always warmingly welcoming us whenever we've arrived. kinda like a loyal butler. without the humanly functions of course.

the story was, the night before maulidurRasul', my family and I went back to our kampung. I was sooo excited! I mean, it's been more than one year(?) since I've been there and I really miss the house. Backtrack to that tiny short little me(still short now, but I mean the me waaaaaaaay back then), my parents often sent us siblings balik kampung for school holidays. And we always happy and excited about it. And fight whenever we're there. and breaks some of the chicks neck(my brothers!! they're a force to be reckon with and to be beware of). and make my grandparents head spinning. play. fight. play. received tiny but painful pinch from Uwe. play. fight.buang taik ikan bilis while watching tv, went and slept at WanAlang's house, fight again.......

Basically lots and lots of memories were created there. MY childhood memory. its like every corner of the house has its own story.memories.

so you see, I am very much fond of the house. and eventhough this time we only stay there for 1day and 1 night, it is so very much clenched the thirst.

Agak2 ade can tak nak raya kat kampung tahun ni?

ps: back then when I was young, I always thought the swing is haunted. Because everynight, I cound hear something sound very old-swing-like came just outside the house. creepy. little that I know that it is just the sound that one of the night creature makes.


little daisy said…
there's one like that too at my granny's house. yeap, that kind of swing seriously nostalgic eh.full of memories...^_^
~farra_~ said…
oit. boyan tu dah berubah tempat lah. dulu kat belah kiri sana.
keireen said…
Faizah: kan? kan? mende2 camni nostalgic gile

aloh kaklong. tau la. malas je nk cite die kedudukan die..tukar kiri kanan je poonnn...
a.T.i.e.Q.a said…
kuikuikui..imaginasi melampau! kalau iye pon boyan tu bunyik, mesti sebab angin~

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