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Bungy Jumping!!


I'm on holiday this whole week!..weehooo..And the highlight of my super fun Holiday was on last Tuesday. Finally, I've done bungy jumping! at Sunway Lagoon! that was super super super wickedly funtastic!!! very!!


Am I scared? hell yeah!! watching people do the thing while waiting for your turn was really really really super nerve wrecking. By the time Imah jump, I think my body and my mind started to separate. which is kinda a good thing. I think..

and then its my turn. Honestly, I'm excited! and I'm scared. but excited enough. I dunno. I'm on a freaking high dose of those emotion so much that my feeling became numb. Do you get what I mean? those feelings were overflow it kinda detached it self from me. So fear was really at it's minimum.

Or was it because the staff asked me if I was scared that it kinda annoyed me and make me all determined to not be scared.

(By the way, I firmly told them that

What ever it is, by the time I stood at the edge of the platform, I am super proud that I can put half of my foot out of the platform and lift both my arms airplane style as instructed. Wobbly at first, but I manage *smug* *smug*.

And I jumped

And I screamed

And I was excited

And I didnt touch the water.

In fact, I was quite far from the lake's surface when I was yo yo-ed up and down.

Bummer..I was supposed to touch the surface of the water.but I didnt. They said I was too light. But seriously? hummmphh.....

And hanging up-side down while waiting for the rescue boat to take me back to land really put out the excitement off. seriously, no fun there.

And seriously,the super down part was, no pictures were taken. Major bummer. but, I've google-ed a bit for pictures here just for you guys. Good pics by the way.

Want to do this again...!!

Pandas! jom!!


*miszleen* said…
wuihhhh aku baru je cakap kat ayah aku ko g bungy jumping. tau ayah aku cakap ape? tu game dare to die! mmg carik pasal. bole dislocate tulang bila2 masa.

so aku kira jawapan tu macam tak dapat pegi je..huwaaa
keireen said…
hahhahaha...ala pakcik kassim..sebelom pergi, pastikan minum susu Anelene(apeke betol ejaan aku ni)...leen, kalo ayah ko tak kasi main bungy jumping pon tape la..kite main park yg lain..hehhehehe...
a.T.i.e.Q.a said…
jom..tapi aku agak tako jugak tak tau dpt permission ke x?!

mahal x weh?
keireen said…
Bg poket aku mhl la.psl die kne byr asing dr tiket msk. Utk bungee shj,RM75.dulu 50 je...huhuhu..yok tikah.tunggu ak ad duit dulu.kikiki

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