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While people start marking their new journey, I'm still struggling with the old one..sweet~

just now...while i godek2 my HtcDesire ,Ngaaaa...I'm still walking on cloud 9.Still over the moon. Still jumping up and down. Everywhere I turn, I see flowers! and butterflies! dang this world is so freaking wonderful! so beautiful! So freaking happy!! after months drooling over that hp, at last!!! last!!

alrite, back to the storyline

where was I?

oh yeah. Just started using my new simcard with data plan! do u know how excited I was downloading all those apps and widget and surfing using my beloved Desiree.Oh my lord! words cant describe it. so freaking fun!!and I tell you, it is fun fun fun!!..Anyways, so, one of the apps that I've downloaded was YM!. and of course, after installed it, I have to test drive rite? So, the moment I opened the apps, as excited and as curious I was for using this over the phone, i suddenly got a ym! text from my friend. highschool friend.

and oh my.. how excited I was over her texts. you see, I am never the one who like to constantly texting and messaging my old friends. or my friends. not that I forgot about them, but my fingers and text buttons never seems to agree. really! yes I know.. I'm just making excuses..but..that's why I was sooo happy. Chatting away with her, albeit just for a little while, really spirit uplifting..Double whammy in a positive way eh.? using my lovely Desiree to chat with her*smug smug*..She's one of my closest friends when I was in form 5. and it feels like just not that long ago we struggle together over SPM. *sigh*...form 5 is the fondest memory I have over those 5 years of trapping on that boarding school...

you think I'm typing this entry just over my jolliness of talking to my old friend after the long while since we've talked isnt it? well...if that's the case, I'll just shout it out on the facebook and not wasting my fingers energy over this. no oh no and no..that would be unfair. who? well I dont know. I just want to use that word.

so yeah. get this. she's getting engaged! next week! my feelings? well, Just imagine the first time you eat at Häagen Dazs at Jusco Bukit tinggi. Which one glass of strawberry float could cost you around 20++. Yep.. Excited, Happy,....and dreaded the effect it has on your purse.

And that exactly what I felt.

I am superly excited and happy for her. but at the back of my mind, not that very far at the back actually and if I'm an honest person I'll say it's quite near to the front =_=, I've got this one little thought.....

Stop Shopping..Start grabbing!


a.T.i.e.Q.a said…
nak jugak!! ahaha, bilalah aku punya turn ni?
*miszleen* said…
aku punya turn pun tak sampai lagi. ahha
keireen said…
Turn ape ni?konpius la plak akuu....

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