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missing MMU?



Remember I told you guys before about my lappie was stroked by lightning and since then I'm unable to surf the net using the lan cable ,So I have to use my mom's broadband.?

Truth is, the speed is quite fast when u download something using any download manager. Once, or maybe more, it reached 200++ kbps. And that is something. The down part is,the package that my mom subscribe has 5G data limit. That really is a big downer for an avid downloader like me. I mean, for example,like now, i'm in the middle downloading the whole Sungkyunkwan Scandal series. And one episode, the size of the file is 700mb. And there's 20 episode for the drama. And you only have more or less up to 5000mb allocated for you by the package. So lets do the math.

700mb per episode X 20 episode = 14000 mb

That is waaayy over the limit. And I'm not including the data that were automatically downloaded when we're surfing. Granted that size are not that big for normal surfing(not an obsessive surfer). But dont be surprise that for an hour or two of surfing youtube, you could easily use 200mb.the first time i knew that, i was shocked!

Sigh...I'm nagging...but me is in bitter mood.! As bitter as sayur peria! Still have 14 episode to download but the speed is worst than grandpa snails who by the way cant barely stand without his cane! And all because Ive used the 5G limit.

It is bacause of time like this I started to miss MMU' s internet.1 episode can complete within less than 0.5 hr during the early hours. And i am Not kidding
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5


a.T.i.e.Q.a said…
wow, lajunyer dl speed ko! aku kalu dapat over 100kbps pon dah bersyukur sangat2..

ko pon tgk skk scandal eh? best kan? aku dah abis dl, tinggal lagi nak tgk je..baru jumpa full sub. seblom ni pakat tgk kat kbsworld dgn mak aku..ehehe
*miszleen* said…
wah wah..kaki pendonlod cam korang mmg rindu mmu ;p

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