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what u give u get back


Nearly this whole week I've been under some weird weather. I'm not really sick, but I am, and got this constant urge to lay down. One time I felt healthy,  but then those wicked headache make appearance, and then I'm okay back. then bratty cough come running towards me tagging along his besties, sore throat. All and all, I felt crap. And of course, my attitude became crappy also...

Have u  ever felt like the whole world is against you and you thought that no one in this universe would ever understand?

If you haven’t, well lucky you.

Me? I’ve been through that quite a time now mostly in my pre-teen, teen, and post-teen. And I’d like to think because of that, I’ve became a tougher person as I am now.

Question is how to overcome that?

How the hell I know. Me no psychologist. And back then, I always blame the world back.

Well tough luck. You blame the world, they aint care shit about you.

So, I just have to love them back right? Then they will love me right?

Again, I don’t know. Perhaps.

I don’t understand? I did make an effort to please everyone.

Okay. This is from my experience. You never can please everyone. Well, maybe not never, but most of the time.

Then why do I care? I always give give give give..!! I never get back!!!!pikir perasaan orang je, aku camne?

a)      Are sure you gave enough? Or is it just in your head?
b)      Sabar itu separuh daripada Iman
c)       Are you sure the thing that you gave doesn’t annoy people? They might avoid you because of that. So back off a little.
d)      Actually, are you sure you didn’t get it back? After all, one attitude could mirror yours. I mean,  maybe in pleasing others, the others felt dejected. Priority, priority...or maybe you just have a shitty attitude
e)      Betol ke ko asik piker perasaan orang? Ke ko sorang je perasan. Padahal, selalu je ko guris perasaan orang lain. So kalo terasa cam hati di toreh, mintak maaf lah. What goes around comes around.

Actually, I really just want to say this instead of throwing craps in this entry.


A lot has been going on lately, and it kinda bottled up. So pardon the emotional entry.



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