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back and forth to hosp

last Saturday was one heck of super exhausting day..


well, first of all, me, Watek and Leen brave ourselves fighting one huge massive of human traffics at Jalan TAR for our Raya shopping. The day was super hot. Not just hot. but HOT hot. mind you guys, we were fasting. And the need to clenched our thirst was super freaking strong that I swear, I felt like passing out.

Tired, we finally had enough and decided to go back.

But we did not go straight back home. we promised Dayah to break our fast together. So while waiting for Dayah to show up(or was it after she joined us. cant remember), I received one sms from kak siti.

"Kak Lang. Adik pingsan. nak bawak gi spital" or something like that.

I was stuned. I dont know whether to believe or not. I mean, I still remember when I went out for the outing that morning, he was like always. playing computer games. I knew he still has his fever, but he seems fine.

So, with half mind kept on wandering to my baby brother, I still break my fast with the girls. And after drop Leen off at her house, I went to the hospital.

He's in ICU. When I met my family at the waiting room, I saw tired faces. worried faces. And one by one break the series to me. on what happened and all that. And all of us were seriously worried.

Thanks to Allah, he's out of ICU now and moved to the normal wad. that's a huge relief. Altho, he still look listless and still have the headache at the back of his head, but I guess, he'll be ok. lets pray!.

"Adik ingat tak ape yg jadi Sabtu tu?"
"entah. Tak ingat"
"Bile adik start ingat?"
"Dalam ambulans. Adik pandaaaaang je mak. pastu terus adik muntah2"
"Ape yg last skali adik ingat?"
"Adik dok ngan Kak Ngah. Tengok cite cina. Kak Tih ade kat blakang adik"
imah mencelah
"kire adik dah ingat balik la. semalam adik kate adik ingat yg adik main Dota, tido, main Dota balik, tu je"



*miszleen* said…
ujian dari Allah ni kirin. mujur kita tak happy-happy sangat petang tu. cam biasa je. insyaAllah, aku doakan adik ko sehat..insyaAllah. doa sama-sama k?

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