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my first real job

saye da start keje!!!

last monday marks another important days of my life. yay! my first day at work! know when it's a first day at something, like first day at kindergarten(not that I remember much), first day at school, first day living away from home(boarding school.I'm thirteen and the feelings when my parents drove away when they sent me there was forever imprinted into my brain), my first day at college,.....yeah,you know, the-first-time-at-something's emotions......excited, nervous, all kinds of feelings and all kinds of thoughts jumbled up in your stomach.

korang paham tak ape yg aku merepekkan ni?

oh well, anyway, on the first day, I was actually not that nervous and I kinda felt relax at 7.45am, I drove to HP and arrived by 8.25am(traffic around bangi during those hours are bad ). then, we(the HP newcomers) were taken to a room for induction meeting. the thing I'm gonna remember the most that day was ,when the person in charge was taking attendance, my name was not in the list. and she asked me if I really was supposed to be there. and of course I said yes. I've read the offer letter like 4-5 time already. And I double checked afterward. jeez. It makes me felt like I've got the wrong offer letter and I'm not supposed to be there or something. and all those time, my stomach acting up. haih. but it's all good now..

on the 2nd day, my first 6 o'clock shift. I have a wee bit trouble waking up(not a morning person mind you) and was 5 minutes late for the day. damn. but I think the day went on nicely. I was actually happy on that day and it is 100% better than the day before.

the 3rd day, I barely arrived at 6am. throughout the whole day, my brain was partly shutdown, sometimes completely frozen at one moment and I cant seem to understand or focus at anything my colleague trying to teach me. I quietly blamed the cold(the airconds were doing a great job!) as they really really really make me wish I have a bed for me to have a quick nap. :P

On my 4th day, I manage to woke up early. and I somehow arrived 10-15minutes late =.=. Not entirely my fault. I went off 10 minutes earlier but somehow on my way to office, I have a 'major nature call'. Like seriously major. Go figures. (=________________= ) gahhhhhhhhhhh..

anyway, my colleagues seems nice


*miszleen* said…
anyway, my colleagues seems nice -- ehem, i take that as compliment! ekekeke :P

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