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I am one emotionally blissfully touched by a deaf choir

this is the second time I post my entry today. yeah. shocking. but I just cant help myself. just found out one of the most beautiful performance I've ever seen. So serene.

did you guys follows glee series? it's on ch711 every wednesday at 9pm. anyway, on ASTRO, they were still on the earlier episodes and being me, who cant wait patiently enough for every Wednesday, I go find another alternatives tru internet. And right now I'm on episode 11.

hear this, of all those wonderful songs that glee has, this one tops it all. I mean, there's no competition there. please, and I mean please, watch the video I paste down here. It got me all teared up like crazeeey.

this performance was after New Directions crazy hectic little performance(watch Glee please). hence the subtlety effect of Imagine sang by the deaf choir left me off guard. and hence, my water bucket broke.

please do stand ovation people


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