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Happy New Year!!

yay!!! just got my green contact lens yesterday!!!! bought online for only RM35. could have been RM25, but I've missed out the sales time by just a day. And just now,I open the site and guess what, the discount sales were back on. Bummer....but what ever. My lens were great! making me look like I have bigger eyes. theehehehhe... I Loike!!! here's the link if you are interested in one--->ContactLens

Did you see the lens?


today, I celebrated my new year by watching Cirque du Freak:The Vampire's Assistant. Oh man...never expected that that movie would be that good! I mean, out of 10, I'll give 9(I'm a cheapskate. that's why I dont give 10). It really was awesome!!! The boy in the movie was cute! although that's not why I gave the high rating obviously, I think... The flow of the movie was good, the plot was good, the humor was excellent, the acting were great, the 2 boys were cute(^^cant help it), and there's a woman who can grow beard(yeah, like freaking weird). Seriously, the movie was freaking funny. not in merepek way but in a good way. And a little laugh would surely brighten your day.

Really, if you guys still havent watch this one, go buy the tickets! watch it! you have to. I promise you will enjoy it. like 70% sure. But if you are one of the guys who's in 30% group, that's okay. It just mean somewhere in your human system, you are lacking humor sensor.

All in all, Happy 2010 people!!!


fara said…
Epi New Year Kirin!

Ur eyes nmpk amazing dear!
dah jadek bulat cam pelakon korea!
Comel sgt!


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