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The Princess and The Frog

I love that movie!!!

went to Alamanda last night with imah and adik and when we started lining up at the ticket counter, those ticket for 9.30pm were selling fast. macam goreng pisang. and we were afraid that it would sold out before we even get our hands on it. But I guess luck was on our side, not only there were less than 6 or five seats left, but we also got the best seats. like 2nd row from the back. lucky~~^^

the movie was full of musics, of course. It is that kind of movie. The songs were great, the storyline were fabulous, the characters were adorable, the voice actor really did an awesome job! . The movie was funny, always makes me wanna laugh, cute, and even have a little bit of sad moment that kinda almost wanna makes me shed a tears.almost, because that little sad moment have a little funny adorable twist that makes you said "awwww".....

all in all, I love this movie! and lots of people in the theater hall loved it too. I know. because at the end of the movie, someone gave out a little shout. which followed by a little bit of clapped and echos of shouts from all around the theater hall.

I have fun ^^


*miszleen* said…
woiiiiiiiiiii pegii tak ajakk akuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
min said…
teringin mahu tgk
tp tak berkesempatan ag
katak mmg sgt comey

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