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I only have 15 minutes to right this entry. have to get ready to go to Alamanda to see Yon!! havent seen her like what, 3-4 years? and she's used to be one of my closest friends during my foundation year at MMU melaka.

neway, I just cant wait until I get back from Alamanda later on to update my blog. Dont know why. I usually kinda avoid making entry in a rush manner. kinda want to have my sweet time making a sweet sentence for my sweet blog :P


this morning I went to PC Fair at KLCC with watek. I actually accompanying her.she wants to buy RAM. And I wasnt supposed to buy ANYTHING at the PC Fair. But how could I resist the temptation when all around me was price slashed! you know I'm suck when it concern bargain sale. not that it was a bargain at PC Fair, but you get the idea. Anyway, when I stepped out from the hall, I was the proud owner of a 4GB pendrive (the 1st pendrive I bought and was lost conveniently after I get out from MMU was 1GB for RM70-80, but this time around, I bought for only RM32. and it's 4GB.^^).

that's that. but thats not the main point of this entry. and I have only 2 minutes left. let's see if I can make this short.

- actually Watek and I planned to take train to KLCC.
-plan :1) park my car at Bandar Tasik Selatan
2)get ourselves there using public transport
-the thing is, I kinda make a little mistake. we were using the highway at serdang(dont ask the name of the highway, I dont know that kind of stuff) and along the way, the road split into go to sungai besi and one go to salak selatan. I was having a little panic moment when we were reaching there coz I was kinda confused and not really sure which one should I take, and watek fortunately saved me from making the decision as she confidently pointing her finger at the left road and sort of urges me to take that one which leads to Salak Selatan
-it's the wrong one
-sometimes later on, after we were 100% sure we're not going to the right direction,I said, what the hell. lets just drive all the way to KLCC.


everytime I went out with watek, somehow, we keep finding ourselves lost. how the hell did that happened?!

and I am late!!



*miszleen* said…
hahahaah ko ngan watek kalo tak sesat tak sah............

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