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lagu Annie

aku ni peminat romance kalo pergi bookstore, mesti singgah kat bookshelf yg ade papan tanda "Romance". Cumenye tiap kali aku sampai kat situ, mesti cam teragak2 sket.


korang pernah pergi tak kat tempat buku2 cite gini berkumpul?. Buku ni tatau malu sikit pasal kat muke diorang mesti ade gambar laki ngan pempuan tgh pelok pakai baju tak habis. bapak gatal diroang! tu pasal le aku kadang2 kene tengok kiri kanan dulu baru boleh belek2 buku2 kat situ. Segan dowh!

Agaknye tu sebablah minat aku ter divert sket ke arah fantasy. Hape dengan wicca, witch, vampire, werewolf merepek bagai tu lah yg aku tertarik. But they are really nice to read I must admit.

But then, lepas baca that kind of genre 10 novels non-stop dalam masa sebulan lebih ni, aku rasa cam ter overdose le plak. Rasa cam nak muntah je kalo aku terbaca cite vampire lagi..
Serius...macam nak muntah..

So, kelmarin sekali lagi aku merayau-rayau kat celah2 tenet ni, carik sos kari masak kicap(yuck! Ade ke lauk ni kat muka bumi ni?). err, cari source novel2 yg ade. Tgh2 merayau tu, ade satu cahaya lampu suluh dok asek kene kat muka aku je. Silau dowh kene suluh! Rasa cam vampire plak tak leh kene cahaya2 bagai ni.hehhe..rupenye orang yg suluh celait kat aku tu rekomenkan satu buku cite ni. Aku pon what ever lah. Grab je la. Mana tau kot kot best.

Heh..aku tatau korang paham ke idak ape yg aku merepekkan kat perenggan atas ni. Lantak la korang.. pasal sape yg tak paham, tuh bermaksud korang kekurangan imaginasi. Pergi masuk tadika balik!!!
Orait..serius part..


Annie Trimble lives in a solitary world that on one enters or understands. As delicate and beautiful as the tender blossoms of the Oregon spring, she is shunned by a town that misinterprets her affliction. But cruelty cannot destroy the love Annie holds in her heart.
Alex Montgomery is horrified to learn his wild younger brother forced himself on a helpless "idiot girl." Tormented by guilt, Alex agrees to marry her and raise the babe she carries as his own. But he never dreams he will grow to cherish his lovely, mute, misjudged Annie—her childlike innocence, her womanly charms and the wondrous way she views her world. And he becomes determined to break through the wall of silence surrounding her—to heal—and to be healed by Annie's sweet song of love.

Aku nak buat summary aku sendiri ttg cite ni,tapi serius vocab BM aku tak cukup nak rangka ayat yg best2(it’s a miracle that I even get A in SPM).
Bagi aku, novel ni lain dari novel cinta yg lain. Sebabnye, dalam novel ni, penulis bukan hanya bermain dgn perasaan cinta, tapi die masukkan nilai2 kemanusiaan dan focus die lebih tertumpu kepada orang yg kurang sempurna . Time baca cite ni, macam2 perasaan yg timbul kat hati kecik aku ni. Serius weih. Geram, happy, sedih, marah, sume ade. Lawak pon ade (Love it when they put some humor in novel).haa...satu lagi. Yg membuatkan aku bertambah suke ngan novel ni pasal hero die tak terlalu perfect which is just perfect for me. But of course, he still got money, height and handsome face but my points is, before this kalo aku baca novel chenta je, hero die mesti stoic, mr dangerous, and not to forget, Mr superman(in a sense that he can do just about anything). Tapi dalam cerita ni, the hero is such a softie! Which is not a bad thing! Errr, adekah aku baru je meng-contradict-kan diri aku sendiri dengan penyataan aku yg die ni sebenarnye x perfect?.yea, what ever. The important thing is, the novel really is something that you guys should read.



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