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aku sengal lagi


Nur Syakirin


2 older sisters, 1 annoying - always want to say something that I somemtimes whish I could staple her mouth - younger sister


4 super annoying little brothers yg sepatutnye ikut membesar sekali ngan badan derang but instead of growing up to be a good matured man, they turned out to be spoiled little brats!(but they're not little mind you). But I guess I still love them..

Shoe size:

4 or 5. depends

Height: I wish! but no, my growth abruptly stopped at 152 and I cant do anything bout the fact!! except accept it.. =____=

Where do u live:

mana lagi kalo x kat atas bumi..heh, still lagi tinggal bawah perlindungan mak ayah..

Have u ever been on a plane:


Swam in the ocean:

Penah..tapi tatau la kalo tu boleh dipanggil berenang pasal cara aku berenang, tangan je yg konon2 buat gaya tapi kaki aku cecah lantai..kekekke

Fallen asleep at school:

time kat sekolah menengah tiap2 hari aku tido kat kelas! kecuali kelas cikgu yg garang2 je aku x brani..ade gak beberape kali kene marah dalam kelas pasal tido. tu kalo cikgu garang, kalo cikgu baik, diorang just soh pergi tandas basuh muke je..dan aku akan lambat2 jalan pasal malas nak masuk kelas..hhehhe..good old days!

Broken someone's heart:

literally? no..

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call:

noo..(dunno whether that's unfortunate or not)

Saved emails:

important email, of course kene simpan..

What is your room like:

mak ayah aku cakap, bilik aku sebijik macam tongkang pecah..not that I know how tongkang pecah looks like.

What's right beside u:

my lappie, beg, mouse...kat opis skang ape2 pon x de..

What is the last thing u ate:

sandwich telor..adeh, ni yg terasa lapar ni..

Ever had...Chicken pox:

penah. time darjah satu. time tengah exam akhir tahun plak tu..free2 je cuti seminggu. tapi yg tak best nye still kene amik ujian..tapi kan weih, satu badan aku gatal gilee beb!


tak penah! aku budak baik..lutut slalu je berdarah tapi x pernah la sampai tahap kene jahit

Broken nose:

broken, tak penah..kalo berdarah tu penah la masa kecik2 dulu

Do u believe in love at first sight:

huh! hanya orang yg gatal je akan jatuh hati pandang pertama. there's just no such thing as love at first sight!!

Like picnics:

hell yeah!!.. dulu tiap2 tahun pergi pantai..skang ni bile dah besar2 jarang plak pergi..ingat lagi the last time picnic ngan kengkawan kat air terjun, beshh gillerr!!

Who was/were... The last person u danced with:

I dont dance

Get sick:

I'd like to think that I rarely get sick..rarely have fever and I'm really proud that I never faint! and as long as I remember, I only puke once. itu pon sebab mabuk lauk(time aktiviti candat sotong dan aku dapat la tangkap sekor sotong sebelom kejadian muntah bagai tu. free2 je sotong kat laut tu makan muntah aku^^)

Miss someone:


Who do u really hate:

hate is a negative feelings and negative things often drained ur energy. so no. I hate no one. at least in my conscious mind..

Do u like your hand-writting:

heh..tak..pasal tulisan aku buruk..dan slalu berubah2 ikut mood. aku pon x paham nape tulisan aku jadi camtu.

Are your toe nails painted:

nope. but once in a while I have the urge to paint it. but of course, it just a thought which remains a thought.

Whose bed other that yours would u rather sleep in:

katil mak ayah aku!hehehhe..cant help it! katil diorang best! and comfy!

What color shirt are u wearing now:

blue and white

Are u a friendly person:

nope..I'm a wee bit reserved. kalo orang tak kenal aku maybe ingat aku sombong.heh..

Do u have any pets:

ade sekor kucing yg mengangkatkan diri die sendiri jadi pet kat umah aku. dan kitorang sefamily sayang kucing boncit tu^^. we call him Jordan

Do u sleep with the TV on:

ade la skali dua je...

What are u doing right now:

tgh taip mende alah ni laa..

Can u handle the truth: certain time I can. certain time, u just have to give me some times for the fact to sink in. but I'd like to think that I can handle them pretty good.

Are u closer to your mother or father:

hurmm..mak rasanye..but that doesnt mean I love my father any lesser than my mother

Do u eat healthy:

define healthy!

If u're having a bad day, who are u most likely to go to:

hurrmm..I usually kept it to myself.

Are u loud or quiet most of the time:

depends sape ade kat sekeliling aku. I dont like being loud around someone I barely know

Are u confident:

yes and no. I hate the feelings of not being confident, but sometimes you just cant be one

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:

10 yrs ago aku baru 14 tahun..ape je yg aku buat time tu.

1) kat sharodz tgh blajar

2) gembira pasal dah form2 pasal kat sharodz, form1 was hell!

3) gembira byk mende kat sekolah dah boleh buat tanpa rasa takut sagt kat senior

4)amik adik angkat^^

5)all in all, I just living my life as a student yg terperangkap kat atas bukit punggur dan menunggu time outing sbb tak tahan nak keluar ke bandar!

5 things that I will do tomorrow:

1) bangun pagi

2)siap2 pergi opis

3)melangok kat opis kire bape jam lagi nak pukul 6

4)mengira detik nak habis internship

5)celebrate kat umah sebb dah habis dah kesengsaraan aku selama 3 bulan!

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:

1) beli seluar jeans! lots of them!!

2)bayar hutang PTPTN

3)bukak bisnes

4)belikan 2 tiket keliling dunia tok mak ngan ayah

5)shopping!! errr...scratch that..simpan duit tu kat bank..


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