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Showing posts from November, 2009

Zura's wedding

yesterday, I went to Melaka. One of my ex-classmate in my highschool was getting married. haven't seen her like, what, 6-7 years? and the thing that connect us so that we're not that lost in contact was the abandon forgotten Friendster. anyway, forced my self to woke up at 8 am, got ready, on the road by 10am, and arrive at tol Alor Gajah by Have to wait for Padel(another ex-classmate of mine) to arrive so that she could show me the way around Melaka. And I was way too early so I have to wait for her like almost an hour. But luckily for me, I brought my favorite novel along and filled up the hour by reading it. I mean, rereading it. by 12.00, shortly after Padel arrived and cheerfully seated herself comfortably on my car seat, she showed the way to Sungai Rambai. And sometimes along the way, Adira joined us and we're having like small little konvoi. okay guys, right now it's like very early in the morning. And despite all those people says that our brain works a...


Happy Eid Al-Hajj people!!! how was your guys day? me? it was okay. Rose early in the morning(at least early for me), ate a little breakfast, went to surau to pray sunat hari raya, went back home, and sat around doing nothing. I am bored!! do you guys know any recreational activities or any place that didnt need too much money to get involved in but still fun? give me some ideas.I've been thinking to do wall climbing. or bungee jumping. but that still need money that I kinda dont really have. cant buy anything but at the same time, everything need money. what have our world became into? =__= hurmm....I'm bored, so I want to make this entry a little longer. brace yourself people. this might turns into an ugly real bore entry.Skip if you want. yesterday(or was it the day before yesterday?), I took Job Street English Language Assessment. it's for the employers to see my english efficiency I guess. the assessment consist of 40 questions. 10 Conversation, 10 Gramm...

New Moon

okay, before I go further, I want to apologize to my Panda Girls. I am really sorry for watching this movie without you guys. But, to my defense, there's certain someone in my family who will really kill me if I dont do as she said. So I was basically being blackmailed and pushed by my own annoying little sister and I dont really have a chance to say no. it's a lie. of course. and there's no blackmail either. just that I sort of making promises to both my friends and my siblings. But do not fret my dear Pandas. I'll still watch New Moon with you guys later on. lets move on just now, me and imah and adik went to Alamanda to watch New Moon. And I have to say, that movie was a hundred percent meant to female species. It was too romantic! too much!!overdose!! too many flowers and pink auras(my imagination of course). and I have this silly grin stick on my face the whole time. okay, that's another lie. not the whole time. I dont know how to say this. I love the movie, b...

Selamat Hari Jadi puteri jazmentos!!!!

petang tadi gi Alamanda makan kek Secret Recipe sempena hari jadi mentos. yum yum yum!!! Happy Birthday Jazmine!!! birthday girl yg pakai tudung putih PS: tak lupe gak, Happy birthday Najja!

What A Day!!

guess what? today was my very first interview!! the very first!!ever! and guess what? it was a disaster. I repeat, A DISASTER!!! last wednesday, I've got a call from Western Digital for walk-in interview today. And of course, being my first call ever for interview makes me very the very the very happpppyyy..I was jumping around like crazy. Literally... So, after zohor, I went to PJ, went to WD building, into the lobby, register myself in, completed a form, and wait for my turn. and wait. and wait. and wait. and sometime later, a lady came up to me and said that I didnt put my name in a name list which I was supposed to do that when I came in. I said okay, and write down my name. and I was at the bottom of the list. damn it! while we're waiting, we were given papers full of questions. half the questions regarding C Language, which I kinda remembered kinda forgot, and rest was electronics circuit questions.which I dont know how to answer because I forgot all the things that I...


digging out my bookshelf (I still need more space for my mangas and novels and there's little hope for that. my room is crowded already damn it!) I stumbled upon a Pooh covered notebook. inititally, I bought that book(in 2001) so that I could make it my diary. yeah diary my ass. I wrote not more than 10 pages and started to get lazy to continue pouring my heart out onto the papers( not that I ever poured anything extravaganzally emotional feelings. if I had one. hey,I have a normal not so dull not so lively life so far. and I like it. no complaint there). right. the thing I want to say is, it's fun to read something you've wrote before. it's like reading someone else's life. but it actually is you. only younger. and you kinda look back how things going through back then with a different perspective just because you are now older. it's fun. the only regret that I have is to not finish the damn notebook. heh. and the date I wrote them were in January2001. all of t...

A Christmas Carol

Around 10am, Nok2 ring me. Couldn’t really talk to her coz Faris was just puking out his milk and his med(what a waste! And what a mess!) and I have to take care of him first. Anyway, when I called her back, she said that Leen and her were free and was wondering whether I’m free. And I said yes (imah just got back from her campus yesterday so I could hand her to babysat Faris. Yay!). So we went to Alamanda(itu je la tempat yg boleh dituju. Bosan betol), and decided to watch A Christmas Carol. My opinion? Hurmm.... When the movie first began, I kinda have a sense of familiarity about the scene, about the character. They really seems familiar. And before the movie really started, there’s footage( I don’t know what they actually called) that said that it was based on Charles Dickens book. Felt like déjà vu really, for the first two scenes. But then it suddenly click! I’ve read the book somewhere in my teenage years. And I started to remember. Vaguely. And only the part at beginning and th...

bengong punye sms

aku sangat annoyed dengan iklan2 maxis dan yg seantara dengannya.. lepas satu, satu datang.. kot la kalo die datang time aku tgh tak buat ape2 tape ar gak. ni time faris tengah tido, time tu la bertubi2 hp aku menjerit2 teriak sms!! sms!! dah la si budak kecik tu cepat terperanjat.. dah la hari ni die tak sihat.. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... (0\ _ /0)


hari ni dari pagi bute sampai la skang ni sejuk gile yg teramat.. bilik aku pon dah jadi cam peti ais.. BrrRrrrrr........ dan aku satu hari ni asyik rasa nak berselubung atas katil je.. sejuk2 gini, badan pon malas..... ^^


hari ni bangun awal gile(dalam erti kata kamus aku) siap2 nak gi career fair kat PWTC. bangun2 mamai2 gi bukak laptop print resume. hari ni nak gi, hari ni baru print. iya. saye sangat rajin dan pandai! terima kaseyh!! aku kan, walaupon skang ni aku dah ade plan aku sendiri untuk mengisi masa sementara nak tunggu dapat kerja, tapi terasa sangat keperitan kejerihan kesusahan, kepayahan nak dapat kerja. hantar2 resume, tapi tak de jawapan. kalo ko, tak ke rasa cam bengang? ye..aku tau..sabar..belom ade rezeki lagi tu. aku tau. sebab tu la ayat yg aku kasik kat kawan2 time diorang melontarkan keresahan diorang. dan tu jugak la ayat yg aku asyik ulang2 kat dalam hati aku. tenteramlah wahai sang hati. bile ade ade rezeki, ade lah... terkenang time sekolah2 dulu. terasa dulu adalah waktu yang sangat lah senang. tenang. tak ade ombak gelora bagai. kalau ade pon, ade la sikit ripple2 kecik. haih. those precious moment. ape lah sangat PMR, apelah sangat tension SPM bile nak dibandingkan tension...

panggilan Haji

pukul 1 pagi tadi, aku, kakLong, abang hisyam,faris, imah, basyir ngan adik gi tabung haji kat Kelana Jaya hantar mak ngan ayah nak gi haji..ramai bangat orang!!! ramai sanak saudara, mak, kakak, adik, abang, makcik, pakcik, yg hantar dan menunggu ahli keluarga derang kat situ. cam kitorang la jugak. alhamdulillah tade ape2 unwanted chaos yg boleh memasamkan keadaan. all goes well. flight mak ayah pkol 7 pagi tadi dan dari Kelana Jaya nak ke KLIA derang bertolak dalam pkol 3.30-4 lebih (lebih kuarang). aku tatau exact time die pasal mak ngan ayah soh balik dulu. tayah tunggu pasal dah lewat sangat. abang hisyam keje, kakLong keje, adik sekolah..tu pasal la kene balik. kalo aku bawak kete sendiri, mau aku tunggu je sampai makAyah berangkat.. doakan MakAyah aku selamat perjalanan pergi dan pulang.. huhuhuhuh..I miss them already..

it's not that I resent men..........

is it safe to say that men have it easy than women in life? I mean generally. I'm sure men have lot of issues they have to face, but come have to agree with me. hear me out 1) when we go out, women tend to have the longest time to get ready. they have to put on the best dress/clothes, wear it with a matching tudung, handbeg. not to forget the time they need to put makeup on. very time consuming...=__=... now, I'm sure there are some guys out there that need like hours to prepare themselves to be presentable (yeah, like put tons of hair gel to make their hair messy-like for an hour. what's the point really. they could have just woke up and never bother to fix their hair and voila! ready to go. no need those greasy gel=__=). right!? 2) we female, have monthly pains. the level of pain might be varies from one and another. but still, it's like a must to have. mood swing, oversensitive, breast tenderness(hurt like hell), acne(hate it!), appetite changes(thank god I ...

gile talak

dah tige minggu aku batuk tak kebah2 lagi (ni dah nak masuk minggu ke 4 dah ni.). satu ubat batuk klinik dah habis, ubat batuk kelapa laut yg aku baru beli minggu lepas dah separuh habis. tapi kenape ye degil sangat batuk ni nak tinggalkan badan aku? gile talak ape.! geram tahu! dalam 3 minggu yg lepas, aktiviti minum air sejuk aku tinggal kan dulu. lagipon batuk2 gini, tekak pon gatal2, nak minum air sejuk pon tak lalu. sedap lagi minum air panas. rasa cam air panas tuh menggaru garu anak tekak. sangat lega hokay! tapi kan, lepas 3 minggu, ingat senang ke nak tahan nafsu tekak ni?! nak2 lagi bile time kenduri kakngah kat kedah itu hari derang hidangkan air bandung ais. my feberet okeyh! dah la hari tgh panas menggila tak hengat! peluh plak dok merembes2! tak dulik! minum gak!!! dan semalam time berenti RnR tapah untuk lunch, tekak gatal nak merasa ice cafe latte. dan tadi time dinner, ternampak air teh o ais limau dok menggoda2 aku. dan aku terguda. natijahnye, satu cawan besaaaaar a...

weekend yg besh!

just coming back from Kedah. Yesterday was KakNgah's wedding reception from the groom's side. The wedding was such fun! I was having fun! I think my mom would update about this, so I just skip all the details. malas sebenonye.. and I have a headache.. dan aku tgh tgk video nikah kakngah yg baru je sampai dalam DVD tadi..

schedule oh schedule~~

malam khamis minggu lepas(29/10), mak tetibe bg tau aku yg ayah dapat panggilan tok pergi haji 4 november(hari ni). kalo ikut perancangan, mak ayah pergi dalam tarikh 14 november ke atas. dengar je mak cakap camtu,aku dah termenung memikirkan kenduri kakngah belah lelaki 7 november ni. x dapat la mak ayah ikut................. kalo diikutkan, hantaran untuk kenduri kakngah, pihak kitorang akan kasi time bertandang ke umah pengantin lelaki. tapi disebabkan berita mengejut tu, ayah decide nak kasi time malam nikah. means, jumaat malam sabtu(30/10). aku plak dapat tau decision tu pagi jumaat tu sendiri. hadoii....hantaran lom siap lagi..ade beberape hantaran nak kene decorate. kek plak dah tempah untuk tarikh yg sepatutnye. mak plak tak sihat. hadoi... pagi jumaat tu aku kuar dalam pkol 9 nak ke pukul 10 ke putrajaya hantar kad undang an kat padel(aku suke buat keje last minit :>tapi pon padel dah tau, tinggal kad je lom kasi lagi), singgah alamanda jap beli cookies ngan ferrero rocher...

pencopek kenduri kawen

alkisahnye.. time kenduri marin ade 2 handset hilang. handset ayah aku ngan handset pengantin pempuan. handset ayah memang takleh nak cakap ape lah. kecuaian besar! pasal ayah main letak je handset kat almari tepi tangga. takleh nak cakap ape la. orang ramai kuar masuk kuar masuk umah. Kakngah nye hp plak, die letak kat drawer meja solek. tak sangka la plak ade orang nak amik.sume orang terlupe bilik kakngah tu bilik pengantin yg konfem orang akan kuar masuk nak tgk. tak teringat nak simpan baik2 mende2 yg berharga.bilik of the day le katakan.. sangat tak sangka sebenarnye.. tapinye, kitorang cam tau je sape pencuriknye.. ade satu ketika, aku nak bawak leen, diana, ngan watie gi naik tingkat atas umah tengok bilik pengantin. elok je daki tangga dah nak sampai tingkat atas, nampak ade sorang laki mude dalam lingkungan 20-an tgh mencari2 something. aku tanya la, kenapa. die balas balik, nak tau arah kiblat. nak smayang. dalam hati cam heran gak, pasal kenape nak smayang sampai naik tingk...


alhamdulillah.. selesai sudah majlis KakNgah. Majlis kawen kakngah kali ni aku memang involved betol2. assistant omak la katakan...time KakLong kawen dulu kire x matang lagi. tak berape nak tahu nak menginvolvedkan diri. Jumaat malam Sabtu, kakngah selamat diijabkabulkan. 'kawan' kakngah pon orangnye 'spesel' jugak. so, yg mejadi saksi ijab kabul tu orang yg reti sign language. masa sesi tgh nak menikahkan tu, sangat senyap. selalunye mesti ade sore "aku terima nikah sekian sekian sekian" kan, kali ni sume sign language. Sangat special aku rasa. dan jugak time tu, 'hujan turun lebat'. KakNgah nangis, acik nangis, mak nangis, imah nangis. aku je tak nangis. tapi mesti muke takle belah menahan empangan bekung supaya tak banjir.. Sabtu, majlis reception. adoii..walaupon sangat bizi, walaupon makeup aku cair lepas 5 minit bersiap, walaupon peluh lecun satu badan, walaupon kaki dah rasa nak tertanggal, walaupon ade ketika aku rasa cam kelam kabut, walaupon ...