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digging out my bookshelf (I still need more space for my mangas and novels and there's little hope for that. my room is crowded already damn it!) I stumbled upon a Pooh covered notebook. inititally, I bought that book(in 2001) so that I could make it my diary. yeah diary my ass. I wrote not more than 10 pages and started to get lazy to continue pouring my heart out onto the papers( not that I ever poured anything extravaganzally emotional feelings. if I had one. hey,I have a normal not so dull not so lively life so far. and I like it. no complaint there).


the thing I want to say is, it's fun to read something you've wrote before. it's like reading someone else's life. but it actually is you. only younger. and you kinda look back how things going through back then with a different perspective just because you are now older. it's fun. the only regret that I have is to not finish the damn notebook. heh. and the date I wrote them were in January2001. all of the entries. except one, which was the last entry I wrote, and the date was 29 November 2002, just after my SPM's exam.

and I even make table forms for me to wrote down every test result for every subject during my Form4 and Form5 year. and that also left with a lot of spaces that need to be filled.



seriously, I kinda lost a bit.
what was my first intention for this entry again?


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