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it's not that I resent men..........

is it safe to say that men have it easy than women in life? I mean generally. I'm sure men have lot of issues they have to face, but come have to agree with me.

hear me out

when we go out, women tend to have the longest time to get ready. they have to put on the best dress/clothes, wear it with a matching tudung, handbeg. not to forget the time they need to put makeup on. very time consuming...=__=...

now, I'm sure there are some guys out there that need like hours to prepare themselves to be presentable (yeah, like put tons of hair gel to make their hair messy-like for an hour. what's the point really. they could have just woke up and never bother to fix their hair and voila! ready to go. no need those greasy gel=__=). right!?

we female, have monthly pains. the level of pain might be varies from one and another. but still, it's like a must to have. mood swing, oversensitive, breast tenderness(hurt like hell), acne(hate it!), appetite changes(thank god I switch to not having appetite at all. don't want to gain weight every month),all of those are PMS. and we have it like 1-2 weeks before the menstrual cycle. And when the actual menstrual cycle finally come, we have to deal with the deadly(and I really mean deadly dead) menstrual pain. If one are lucky, they dont get the pain. but only few are chosen. Not me. I'm in the common circle +________________+.

men...the challenge they face might be have to deal with women with PMS. ^__^

women, we get pregnant. for 40 weeks! a lot of mood swing! lot of care should be given to the mother and to the baby in the belly. then come the labor day. and the pain? zero experience (maybe in the future if god will and I'm sure hope for it one day). but people says that the pain is second to death. not that I know that either.

men, again, they have to know how to handle pregnant woman. not easy I tell you. but at least they wont have to experience it.


why the heck I write this lame entry? I dunno. maybe because I want to focus my attention to something else other than the throbbing pain around my pelvic and belly. and I'm not in my best mood. and I just need somewhere for me to rant something. anything, really. and I cant whine to my mom coz I didnt take any panadol(like she asked me to) to relieve the pain.

not that I resent men or something for not having to have to feel what I feel.

and it's not that I question god. after all, all that He creates are for a reason..



I just want you guys to hear me out..



*miszleen* said…
PMS n pregnancy? ha ha

men should reallyyyyyyy handle us with CARE bcoz we are FRAGILE! ;P
a.T.i.e.Q.a said…
ahaha..aku setuju~eH Kirin..serentak la kiter~~ahaha

weh, ko tau tak, sebab baca 'luahan perasaan' ko ni la, aku terpicit banyak moisturizer aku tau~~

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