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Showing posts from December, 2009

susah betul kalo pelupe

ptg tadi ade interview kat Ampang. ok la. tapi walaupon interview die tak la horror cam interview Western Digital hari tu, pale aku still gak kuarkan bintang 5 ekor.dorang plak dok la main pusing2 atas pale aku.haih. tak leh jadik. terus aku ajak watek(die peneman aku gi interview tuh.^^) gi Alamanda. lepaskan tension la kononnye. kalo dah gi Alamanda, kaki aku mesti gatal dok langkah beratur kat line ticket GSC. agaknye pawagam kat situ pon da naik nyampah asik nampak muke hakuuuu je. ah. dulik ape. yg penting hati aku tadi terhibur ngan gelagat 3 ekor budak chipmunk yg tersangatlah chomel!!! rasa cam nak peluk2 chium2 je. geram!! nak jadikan citer, time nak balik, pas bayar tiket parking, aku tanya watek, "weih, ko ingat tak kite letak kete kat mane?" "aku rasa kat deret MPH" "eh? aku kurang ingat sket" "huhuhu..aku kan, kalo pergi sorang2 boleh ingat tau. tapi kalo berdua, mesti lupe" "haah.pasal kite mesti depend ngan orang lain tok in...


I really have been contemplating these 3 days for my new entry. sometimes, I've already wrote like 2-3 lines, but somehow it stuck at those lines. my mind stuck at those line and doesnt seem to know which way to go. even now, I contemplate whether to just delete all these words and just dont do any entry for today. *sigh*. my head a mess and this few days proves that I'm on one big emotional ride. I wonder if anyone noticed. I've watched Avatar. 2 times. the 1st time with my buds and the 2nd time with my family. the experienced I felt however, for the 2nd round, wasnt as enthralling as the 1st time. That's been said, the CGI still amazed the hell out of me. you have to watch to know how beautiful, graphically, the movie was. I enjoyed watching the movie, even tho it was a little bit of cliche-driven. maybe a lot cliche-driven. at 1st 15 minutes, I was a little bored. but the plot slowly build-up little by little and peak at the right moment. the plot however was predic...


2nd week for my CISCO class and for this week, we're learning Linux. and I tell you, my head was nearly dead comma jammed by the end of today class. too much Linux command were thrown by our instructor. and not to forget that today is monday and that means my brain still on it's resting mode and havent warmed up enough for all those information. geh.. the commands, were not really aliens to me. half of it though(or maybe less than that. at least some were familiar). but that's just because commands like cd, dir, ls , I've seen them just enough for me to remember it because I was using it when downloading files via MIRC(aku ni hantu downlaod.tanya je ape care2 nak dl kat internet, 60% aku mesti tau punye *smug*). and a little of it during my C Programming class(my least fav) while using knopix. geh. maybe I should install another OS in my lappy for me to play around. or get a little more familiar with it. but the thing is, I am pretty much prefer using GUI and windows p...

Alpha Omega Series

these last few days or week/s, I have zero idea for my blog. I want to write something, but the thing was I dont know what to write. Man..I hope this is not the sign that my life's starting to get dull. but what ever. Remember about the books I talked about recently? I know I've already said it before, but I just cant help to talk about it more. I want to re-profess my statement before. I LOVE THOSE BOOKS!!! I never, ever, fall in love with books this hard. And never before this, there's book that I re-read for a second time in just 1 day apart. Heck, maybe half day. I've read, and re-read, and re-read, and re-read, all those 3 books again and again and again and again and again. There's always at least one of those three beside my bed. Easier for me to reach it. I even love 'mr. bojangles', a song, that was mentioned in the novel. *sigh* sayang gile buku tu.. and NO, dont ask me if I could lend it to you. Buy it yourself. I dont think I could bear to be apa...

new class

after months staying at home doing basically nothing except being a merciful loving kind hearted nanny to my almost 8 month nephew, I've signed my self into a CISCO class. And the class started yesterday. The course was for 7 weeks plus an additional and totally optional of 2 weeks for more in-depth of the course. monday to friday, 9am-5pm. the class was totally free (which was a good thing because the course offered in MMU was like thousand something for the fees), and on top of that we got to get 500 ringgit allowance per month! hoye!! but I think most of the RM500 would make up for the money I'll spend at food, gas, tol, that kind of stuff. But it still a good bargain. The time when I was confirmed to be one of the students, I told my dad and my sisters. And they was like, uh, what is CISCO?... I was shocked. I thought everyone knew about that thing. I guess I was wrong. For those who didnt know what CISCO is, it's something related to networking. routers, switch, packet...

sabtu yg besh!

Hari ini saye sangat le bizi. bukan sibuk belajar ataupon sibuk berkerja, tapi sibuk berjalan2. hehehehhe..sangat seronok hokey hari ni... bangun pagi2 siap2, tolak ke melaka. ye. melaka lagi. ade kenduri kawen schoolmate dulu. seronok jumpa kawan2 lama. ade yg dah berkurun baru hari ni jumpe, ade yg dah lost contact, dah terfound balik, ade yg baru je hari tu jumpa, ketemu lagi. ape yg penting, sangat seronok berbual2 dan bercatch-up2. dan soalan yg paling hangat macam goreng pisang baru angkat dari kuali, ------> "bile nak kawen?". dan jawapan yg paling seronok aku dengar dan mungkin akan jadi ayat febret aku-----> "orangnye pon kelam lagi, nak kawen camne...". dalam pkol 1, bekejar aku balik KL balik. nak kene pergi KLCC. ingat tak buku yg ade aku cite itu hari dalam satu entry tuh yg aku nak sangat sangat sangat novel tuh. haaa...sudah ade kat rak buku Kinokuniya. harus hari ni jugak aku serbu itu kedai buku. susah gile kot nak jumpa. papehal pon, kuar ked...

The Princess and The Frog

I love that movie!!! went to Alamanda last night with imah and adik and when we started lining up at the ticket counter, those ticket for 9.30pm were selling fast. macam goreng pisang. and we were afraid that it would sold out before we even get our hands on it. But I guess luck was on our side, not only there were less than 6 or five seats left, but we also got the best seats. like 2nd row from the back. lucky~~^^ the movie was full of musics, of course. It is that kind of movie. The songs were great, the storyline were fabulous, the characters were adorable, the voice actor really did an awesome job! . The movie was funny, always makes me wanna laugh, cute, and even have a little bit of sad moment that kinda almost wanna makes me shed a tears.almost, because that little sad moment have a little funny adorable twist that makes you said "awwww"..... all in all, I love this movie! and lots of people in the theater hall loved it too. I know. because at the end of the movie, som...

ala keshiyannye budak kechik chomel niee..

hari ni Faris demam..asyik tdooo je. selalunye kalo die demam, still lagi bleh merayap sini sana. still lagi mulut bising cakap nya nya nya die tu. still lagi boleh membuatkan aku pening pale tgk keletah budak kecik chomel tu. tapi kali ni, die bangun pon kejap. main pon kejap. mulut asek bising merengek. kalo aku hilang sket depan mata die, nanti mule la menangis syahdu bagai. kalo main pon, kejap je. cepat letih.cepat tdo. sian aku nengoknye..


I only have 15 minutes to right this entry. have to get ready to go to Alamanda to see Yon!! havent seen her like what, 3-4 years? and she's used to be one of my closest friends during my foundation year at MMU melaka. neway, I just cant wait until I get back from Alamanda later on to update my blog. Dont know why. I usually kinda avoid making entry in a rush manner. kinda want to have my sweet time making a sweet sentence for my sweet blog :P anyway.... this morning I went to PC Fair at KLCC with watek. I actually accompanying her.she wants to buy RAM. And I wasnt supposed to buy ANYTHING at the PC Fair. But how could I resist the temptation when all around me was price slashed! you know I'm suck when it concern bargain sale. not that it was a bargain at PC Fair, but you get the idea. Anyway, when I stepped out from the hall, I was the proud owner of a 4GB pendrive (the 1st pendrive I bought and was lost conveniently after I get out from MMU was 1GB for RM70-80, but this time ...


A a a a a a a a a a a a a a r r g g g h h !!!!!!!!!!!!! aku sangat bosan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alpha and Omega

I want this book!! like badly.. It's an anthology book actually. Like compilation of stories in one book. And the only reason I want my hands on this book was because of 'Alpha and Omega' written by Patricia Briggs. One of the story inside this book. Those who read Mercedes Thompson series(good great reviews. altho I prefer Alpha Omega better coz they're heavy on romance and I'm a sucker for romance) would recognize her. The book I mention(Alpha and Omega) was another series of her. And I have two books of this series which comes after 'Alpha and Omega'. I am miserable. yeah. coz I didnt have the first book. I have the e-book version, but I want the real thing! could you understand my feelings? I've checked Kinokuniya, MPH, but nada ,none! the only option left was e-bay. the only problems were (a) I dont know how to use paypal (b) I dont have credit card. there's no way I could pay them. =_= huhuhuhuhuhuhu... I want the book!!!!! someone ou...