2nd week for my CISCO class and for this week, we're learning Linux. and I tell you, my head was nearly dead comma jammed by the end of today class. too much Linux command were thrown by our instructor. and not to forget that today is monday and that means my brain still on it's resting mode and havent warmed up enough for all those information. geh..
the commands, were not really aliens to me. half of it though(or maybe less than that. at least some were familiar). but that's just because commands like cd, dir, ls, I've seen them just enough for me to remember it because I was using it when downloading files via MIRC(aku ni hantu downlaod.tanya je ape care2 nak dl kat internet, 60% aku mesti tau punye *smug*). and a little of it during my C Programming class(my least fav) while using knopix. geh. maybe I should install another OS in my lappy for me to play around. or get a little more familiar with it. but the thing is, I am pretty much prefer using GUI and windows pretty much fulfill my needs. but then, I never know Linux. and maybe I should start....
that's that..

move on to more cheerful subject. does anyone have watched Zombieland? seriously, you have to watch it! that movie was sick. and I mean SICK!!! funny as hell. from the moment I put my butt on my seat, I was laughing hard. so hard that I was afraid that I might fall off from the seat. I mean, really, the director was genius! he or she or who ever that guy was, make the movie so freaking hilarious. but of course, from the title itself, we know that the movie would be stupid. and it is. but who cares! beware though, there's a lot of blood, head been smashed in a gruesome way, and a little bit of some freaking gile ganas scary actions that could have left you making a weird ugly grandma frown pain face and said "ughh...". it was that bad (for me at least). but fortunately enough, those pain emotions were kicked away and forgotten by some hilarious scene.
for 7 bucks, Zombieland worth my time and my money. 2 thumbs up! hilang tension aku. heheeh
the commands, were not really aliens to me. half of it though(or maybe less than that. at least some were familiar). but that's just because commands like cd, dir, ls, I've seen them just enough for me to remember it because I was using it when downloading files via MIRC(aku ni hantu downlaod.tanya je ape care2 nak dl kat internet, 60% aku mesti tau punye *smug*). and a little of it during my C Programming class(my least fav) while using knopix. geh. maybe I should install another OS in my lappy for me to play around. or get a little more familiar with it. but the thing is, I am pretty much prefer using GUI and windows pretty much fulfill my needs. but then, I never know Linux. and maybe I should start....
that's that..

move on to more cheerful subject. does anyone have watched Zombieland? seriously, you have to watch it! that movie was sick. and I mean SICK!!! funny as hell. from the moment I put my butt on my seat, I was laughing hard. so hard that I was afraid that I might fall off from the seat. I mean, really, the director was genius! he or she or who ever that guy was, make the movie so freaking hilarious. but of course, from the title itself, we know that the movie would be stupid. and it is. but who cares! beware though, there's a lot of blood, head been smashed in a gruesome way, and a little bit of some freaking gile ganas scary actions that could have left you making a weird ugly grandma frown pain face and said "ughh...". it was that bad (for me at least). but fortunately enough, those pain emotions were kicked away and forgotten by some hilarious scene.
for 7 bucks, Zombieland worth my time and my money. 2 thumbs up! hilang tension aku. heheeh
Memang klaka giler.
& more sick dari cite final destination 4!
tgk avatar?best giler2..
nak tgk avatar. tapi asek penuh je..huhuhuhu