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Because Sweet is Them!


There's going to be another book from the Alpha and Omega series. I've talked about this series briefly before (click) and it was a while since Patricia Briggs wrote her last novel on this series.

I'm really loving this series

like love love love..!

there are 4 books so far and I read them more than 4 times now. It's like, if I read one book, I absolutely have to read all.

Anyway. I'm excited about the new book, which was planned to be released on Spring 2015. Might seems like thousands years apart from now, but knowing life, it's going to be nearly a blink of an eye. Well, I love the feeling of anticipation, the excitement of it. So it's all good.

PS: I've been thinking the reasons I'm so hook by this series. And I cant help by comparing this series with Twilight(which I've read all the books. Once.). They share the same attributes ; Romance, Fantasy (well, that's the genre that I gravitated to most). For Twilight, I love the 1st book but I dont really fancy the 3rd(last) book. The ending is just too 'meh' for me (And again, I couldnt help comparing the ending of twilight with Harry Potter. Harry Potter's ending shattered my heart (what with all those people I fond of died), but, shattered my heart it may be, I really like the way HP story concluded. Hats off)...

Now that I think about it, the romance in Alpha&Omega is so subtle that makes it soo sweet which makes me want more(if that makes any sense). Not sickeningly sweet like macaroon, but nicely sweet like watermelon.


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