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On Friday before the previous one, I had an online chat with my friend. And among the conversation that we had, we talked / touched a little bit about cheesecake. She asked me whether I can make one which then I answered that I never even attempt to do one. The only thing I know about cheesecake then was there are 2 types of cheesecake. Baked and Unbaked.

My Mom does make a delicious cheesecake. Me? Never think of making one. Why? I don't really like cheese. Never really like the texture and the taste of it. So I don't really see the point of making an effort to make a cheesecake.

Up until that Friday.

So, made a research and last week, I've made 2 cheesecakes. Baked and Unbaked and I'm quite curious why people often prefer the unbaked cheesecake so I was a bit excited to do the taste test.

Baked Oreo Cheesecake: 
Sorry there's no picture. that cake was such a hit that it finish on the same night itself. I'll make it next week if I can and post it later.

What I think: The cake was sooo damn delicious. I'm going to post the recipe later. Seriously. I don't really have any expectation with this cake, what with the first time and all. But dang it!! I didn't taste it enough. Only manage to grab 1 slice =__=

Unbaked Oreo Cheesecake

What I think: This is a miss. What a shame. For me, the texture is good. The creamy cheesyness is okay I guess. I guess. I have to guess because the taste of the lemon that was in it is too overpowering which make the cake taste weird. *sigh*. Well next time I know to reduce the amount of those lemon. Che.

What did I get from these experiments?

I kinda like the Baked Oreo Cheesecake ^^

Enhanced by Zemanta


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