I’m currently in the middle of watching project runway season 8 ep 13. And Grechen(one of the top 4) said something that really2 intrigues me and it makes me stop watching the show for a while and scribble(type actually.I just want to use that word ^^) this one out.
She said “ your friends rarely tells you who you really are..”
And its true right?
I mean, if you look really carefully, friends usually tell something that what the others want to hear rather than pointing something out. We shut our mouth rather than voicing out our opinions. I’m not saying that we lied, we just...... shut up. And we kinda do it unintentionally.
Why? Because the truth hurt. And who like being hurt? and as a friend, you don’t like hurting your friends? Kan? Betul tak? And truthfully, we sometime don’t want to be the one who pointing out the wrong just because we don’t want to argue. Or secretly hoping someone else would tell them out. Familiar with the situations?
Me? I don’t like people saying that I’m not right. I don’t like being pointed out that I’m wrong. And I will surely fight back. But honestly, how you’re going to be a better person if you don’t know the bad side of you? kan?
And the thing about me is, I don’t like keeping inside what I felt when I’m around my friend.
I’ve got a friend(miss her!) and she said that I really do speak my mind. And sometimes it kinda offends someone else. When she told me that, I kind of get a bit pissed. I mean, do I have to mind my word among my friends now? Just because they cant handle the truth? Just because they don’t want and cant see the truth? Because to me, what’s a friend for? To tell you all the colourful and joyful of life? I mean, I don’t want to be that kind of friend.....that’s what I felt then...
It took me a while to really think about what she said. Yes, sometimes I’m a bit harsh with my words. And maybe, what she meant was to tone down a bit. Tapis the words a bit. And not always object what people says (I admit. I kinda enjoy being the one who’s always in the opposite side..who's always disagree). But, it’s hard you know.
It’s hard to hear criticisms from people. what's more if it's come from our friends. And it is harder to analyze and to accept it. “the 1st part of the challenge is recognizing it” – line I picked out from project runway by the same person I mention above.
But seriously, you know she’s your friend when they pointed out something that you don’t like to hear. And what’s more, you even know they’re real when you’re the one who’s doing the pointing and they still stick with you.
Acceptance is the beauty of a friendship. And aint I right about that!