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Showing posts from February, 2011


Rite now, i'm contemplating whether to buy lens or laptop. Lens : so that I could get the DOF that I want. Laptop: my lan port(probably lan card also) kiok already Which one should i buy first? Ps: where's my genie? Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5


One thing I love about Secret Garden is, Joo Won and Ra Im acts with their eyes. seriously! the eyes alone are very expressive! Ra Im : still....come. Tomorrow...and the day after...

and the winner is Secret Garden!!!

Aaaaaggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! saye sangat gilekan secret garden!!!!! bapak romantik!!!!!!!!!!!! datuk romantik!!!!!!!!! moyang romantik!!!!!!!!!!!!! kya!!!!~~~ sekian... ps: terima kasih Running Man sebab tunjukkan scene sit up yg sangat romantik gile sampai terbang2 saye dibuatnye!!

The truth is out there..........

Alright.. I’m currently in the middle of watching project runway season 8 ep 13. And Grechen(one of the top 4) said something that really2 intrigues me and it makes me stop watching the show for a while and scribble(type actually.I just want to use that word ^^) this one out. She said “ your friends rarely tells you who you really are ..” And its true right? I mean, if you look really carefully, friends usually tell something that what the others want to hear rather than pointing something out. We shut our mouth rather than voicing out our opinions. I’m not saying that we lied, we just...... shut up. And we kinda do it unintentionally. Why? Because the truth hurt. And who like being hurt? and as a friend, you don’t like hurting your friends? Kan? Betul tak? And truthfully, we sometime don’t want to be the one who pointing out the wrong just because we don’t want to argue. Or secretly hoping someone else would tell them out. Familiar with the situations? Me? I don’t like people s...

walking along the memory lane

Hola! see the swing above!? well, that was the very swing that me and my siblings played during our childhood period. it's been there like forever! sitting there in front of my grandparents house and always warmingly welcoming us whenever we've arrived. kinda like a loyal butler. without the humanly functions of course. the story was, the night before maulidurRasul', my family and I went back to our kampung. I was sooo excited! I mean, it's been more than one year(?) since I've been there and I really miss the house. Backtrack to that tiny short little me(still short now, but I mean the me waaaaaaaay back then), my parents often sent us siblings balik kampung for school holidays. And we always happy and excited about it. And fight whenever we're there. and breaks some of the chicks neck(my brothers!! they're a force to be reckon with and to be beware of). and make my grandparents head spinning. play. fight. play. received tiny but painful pinch from Uw...