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it's never a good Idea to wear heels when you shop

it's been such a freaking while since my last post. And reading back that, very emotional indeed..blame my hormone for that. My mood swing so fast I cant barely catch up. And someone turned maximum valume on my sensitivity....

well..get this..

I felt so lame because of the swing swing, so I decided to ambush Alamanda. after work. Alone. Some of you might think "ala..sorang2 je...?". well I tell you this. it is such a different feeling. And a first for me! sure you dont have anyone to turn and talk to or to ask for opinion for that clothes or that shoes..but, I kinda felt relax. And my tension seems to drift away for each step I make. 

Lack of companion doesnt mean lack of fun.

But then again, I guess I really need a time only for myself. 

just that, I really should think of other alternatives besides shopping. I mean, I was in full shopping mode. I really intend to take down the whole Alamanda and leave out nothing. Such a shame that even though I do a thorough check out at most of the stores, not many cought my eyes. 

but that doesnt mean I didnt buy anything. I was in full mood remember!

So again, I was a proud and satisfied owner of a pair of Levis Jeans(I'm in love!), a pair of shoes and 2 novels(which I've finished reading it).


that really was one good memory.

A note to self: Stop thinking that you can walk on those heels for hours non-stop. Are you delusional or something?


a.T.i.e.Q.a said… sajer kamu ni ye? kirin yang kaya, bila nak blanja aku? karok pon ok! ahahah
*miszleen* said…
jom jom karok seround dua. ekekkeke. kirin belanjaaa
keireen said…
bukan kaya...gaji baru masuk, malas nk pikir byk2..hehehhe..

manyak la kamu banjer karok. weih tikah. karok jom!

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