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not my fault Faris caught it from me

entry ni panjang gile. kalo rasa cam nak muntah, sile la baca

remember last entry I talked about some orientation? well, that event was organized by HP for us, the new hired. Not going to talk into details about that but I would say, the food there were fabulous!! but then, it's Renaissance Hotel. what do you expect? two thumbs up..

on the last day of the orientation, which was Wednesday, somewhere in the middle of some talk, my body kinda felt weird. I mean, I cant sit straight, or still. I became listless and my head suddenly felt like a heavy concrete sitting on top of my neck. And when I got up from my chair to grab my lunch, it felt like I was walking on wrong step, and I would fell flat with my head doing the touch down. but thank god nothing embarrassing happen.

at that point, I really really really want to go home. like desperately need my bed. but the problem was, I was car pooling with 2 other colleagues. so I cant just go home. and leave them there. and that's the start point of my long and torturous day.

I ate lunch quietly, cant even make a conversation to my colleagues, and just glued a social smile to my face and nod to what ever they were talking about. And thinking that I need to lay down badly.which is what I did afterward and the rest of the orientation. went to surau and tried to get some sleep. which is hard because my head feels like it want to explode and I was shivering pretty hard. like when you shower at 5 in the morning kinda shiver with your teeth stuttering(is this the right word?) and you rubbing your arms for all the warm you can get kinda thing. ughh..I never want to go through that again. All I want at that time was my bed and my warm comforter.

later that evening, I went to clinic, and get my temperature checked. 39.8C . no wonder I felt like shit. but the good news was, I got 2 days mc. and I got my bed


a.T.i.e.Q.a said…
sian dier..sudah sihat kah?

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