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A Christmas Carol

Around 10am, Nok2 ring me. Couldn’t really talk to her coz Faris was just puking out his milk and his med(what a waste! And what a mess!) and I have to take care of him first. Anyway, when I called her back, she said that Leen and her were free and was wondering whether I’m free. And I said yes (imah just got back from her campus yesterday so I could hand her to babysat Faris. Yay!). So we went to Alamanda(itu je la tempat yg boleh dituju. Bosan betol), and decided to watch A Christmas Carol.

My opinion?


When the movie first began, I kinda have a sense of familiarity about the scene, about the character. They really seems familiar. And before the movie really started, there’s footage( I don’t know what they actually called) that said that it was based on Charles Dickens book. Felt like dĂ©jĂ  vu really, for the first two scenes. But then it suddenly click! I’ve read the book somewhere in my teenage years. And I started to remember. Vaguely. And only the part at beginning and the end of the story. The rest was gone to outer space away from my small capacity long term memory.

It was such a good feeling to get to watch something that I’ve read. The movie was well made (kudos to the team). And magical. And great. And Jim Carrey was fabulous as always(although I kinda felt like the accent that he brought was more to Indian rather than British. Just my opinion).

I have fun!

But I don’t think Leen and Nok2 were having fun as much as I do. Nok2 was sleeping and Leen was trying not to sleep.*laugh*.Maybe not they cup of tea.^^

Next week wanna watch New Moon. Wanna see Dakota Fanning. And I absolutely want to see taylor lutner’s abs. I mean, how he’s as a werewolf. :P


Siti Hajar said…
rajin jugak ko g tgk citer ni..2012 dah tgk?
keireen said…
lom..tatau la nak tgk ke tak.hehehhe
Siti Hajar said…
boleh thnla citer dia..grafik memang hebat(10/10).. jln citer bagi aku not juga..tapi tunang aku kate x sedap..hmmm
*miszleen* said…
cet, kata aku dok tahan mata dari tdoq plak :P aku berusahaa (take note: usaha) untuk tak tdo ok. kire nok2 kalah aa ngan aku sbb die memang dah selamat tdo..hahahah

anyway, aku prasan gak jim carey nye accent. just that otak aku ni asyik je nk analize ape bende la cite ni nak cakap snarnye. spirit sana sini. haha. mayb aku ni bukan gak magics or fairy-tale headed sgt kot. heh

tapi at least, cite ni ade lessons gak. ehe..

yang penting, aku tak penin kepala tengok cite ni. compared to 2012, aku rasa cam kene mind tortured. *_*

yang penting lagi, aku tetap suke cite romantik dan kelako. aman je. ahahha

dan, aku pun tunggu cite new moon gakkk ^^
Anonymous said…
nk tgk new moon gak!!

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