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Showing posts from October, 2009

overdose - kah?

smalam, ubat batuk klinik dah habis. tapi batuk still bersisa so, pagi tadi bukak kabinet kat dapur. capai ubat batuk kelapa laut, suakan kat mulut satu sudu besar penuh.. sambil2 mulut berdecap2 menikmati flavor ubat tu, sambil2 tu aku memerhati isi botol kaca kelapa laut kat tagan kiri aku.. hurmm...."dah nak habis la ubat ni". alang2 habiskan je la.. dan aku minum satu sudu besar ubat batuk kelapa laut.. lagi.. beberapa minit lepas tu, aku pengsan 2 jam...pengsan tido.bukan pengsan betol2.. takleh eh makan ubat batuk lebih2? hehheheheh

ubat sangap

4.30: leen sangap..ajak aku gi KLIA..amik gambo.. 5.45: leen dari kajang amik aku kat bangi 6.15: sampai putrajaya amik watek 6.40: sampai kat umah ummum amik die plak( aku lupe plak ape nama tempat tu) 6.45: benti kat RnR Dengkil. ade 'hal' 7.04: benti smayang kat masjid KLIA. cantek wooo itu masjid!! 7.40: gerak ke terminal KLIA. berpusing2 gak kitorang. Hala tuju, ke tempat kapal terbang landing tok amik gambar. tapi disebabkan matahari da masuk tdo, cahaya pon tade, so terpaksa le batalkan niat. lain kali je la... 8.15: ingat nak masuk ke arrival terminal..tapi terlepas simpang..dan itu menunjukkan, die soh kiteorang balik umah. tayah pusing2 dah..akur, kitorang decide balik je la... 8.20: sampai RnR Dengkil(lagi!). decide nak gi minum2 jap. lepaskan dahaga(saje2 je sebenarnye...) hantar ummum hantar watek singgah umah leen kat serdang jap sampai umah!!!! dan hari ni kitorang buat keje gile saje2 jalan2.. sangap~ di RnR Dengkil~

saye tak suke!!

malam smalam, aku terbangun beberape kali hanya kerana tekak aku nak mengeluarkan batuk. saket jiwa aku batuk tgh2 malam ni. rasa cam nak nangis pon ade. tapi sebab ngantok, x sempat nak keluarkan air dari mata aku ni. bangun2 je, badan lesu tak hengat..tekak pon rasa gatal2 je. batuk tak usah cakap le. pagi tadi amik termometer, ukur suhu badan. sambil tunggu termometer tuh nak berbunyik, sambil tu buat susu si Faris. Haih..nasib la ko faris..kiter sama2 x sehat. 36.3 degree... KakLong balik je, pinjam kete die, pecut ke Klinik Al-Haj kat seksyen 4 tambahan(klinik ni murah ok.. aku kene RM25 je. kalo klinik lain, mau kene caj sampai 40 hengget!). masuk bilik doktor, lepas cek2 sume, aku ade bg tau yg aku saket ni dari senin lagi. doktor x de la bg komen ape2, tapi muke die macam mempersoalkan kenape aku tak pergi hari isnin haritu dan kenape tunggu sampai jumaat..?..huhuhuhuhuhu.. balik umah je, lunch, pastu terus makan ubat. ade 3 jenis. ubat batuk, ubat demam, ngan antibiotik. ughh....


last monday I woke up with a slight headache accompanied by a hell of sore throat and his buddy, Mr Cough-iey. And my body felt heavy. And I'm still feeling that way. Kinda puzzled a bit that morning coz what did I do to get those things ?. was it because I always turn on my fan full blast every night?was it because my blanket fall off from me when I'm sleeping? or something? Whatever it is, I'm having a fever. minus the increasing of body temperature. Ummm...well, maybe a little tiny tiny bit of that. does that make any sense? right what ever today..Faris having a real fever..37.8 degree. Poor thing was it my fault?

lurves this song~

IF IT KILLS ME-Jason Mraz Hello, tell me you know Yeah, you figured me out Something gave it away It would be such a beautiful moment To see the look on your face To know that I know that you know now And baby that's a case of my wishful thinking You know nothing Well you and I Why, we go carrying on for hours on end We get along much better Than you and your boyfriend Well all I really wanna do is love you A kind much closer than friends use But I still can't say it after all we've been through And all I really want from you is to feel me As the feeling inside keeps building And I will find a way to you if it kills me If it kills me How long, can I go on like this, Wishing to kiss you, Before I rightly explode? This double life I lead isn't healthy for me In fact it makes me nervous If I get caught I could be risking it all Cause maybe there's a lot that I miss In case I'm wrong Well all I really wanna do is love you A kind much closer than friends...

same old, same old...

it's that season again.. altho for me, it never end.. sengal.. want to write...dont want to write.. want to apply..dont want to apply.. want to read..dont want to read.. want to sleep..I sleep.. sengal.. this sunday would be the end of Syawal. And I'm shocked! havent complete my pose6 thanx to my besties Ms Procrastinate. luckily enough I only got 1 day left..luckily... am still sengal.. gonna finish my novel.. ps: how come when you're so sengal, you cant seem to do anything right..or anything you do, you still find it ridiculously boringly boring! and I'm bored..

a morning with Faris...

As usual, I babysat my nephew while her mom goes to work.. It's 9.30am..and Faris was bored.. so he took the liberty of taking over my Lappiey =______= you sure did hug away those things from me.. ........................... right~ as if you know what to do with em.. wait... did you just chomping my headset!!?? I'm angry you little brat! dont you dare put your oh-so-not-that-smelly saliva on my innocent headset grrr.... and put away that happy face!!! aww... dont sulk.. I'm not that angryyy.... uhhh... why are you eying my mouse..? uh-oh.. owwwhh nooo.. I knew it!!!! oh well.. as long as you're happy...

ingat senang ke weih?

semalam, ketika berbual di YM w: aku kekdg keciwa w: cam la aku nie x layak jek dpt keje w: huuhuhhuuhh aku: haih aku: udah la weih aku: ko cakap camtu bile ko dah apply seribu kompani aku: baru aku layan ko aku: aku pon cam susah hati gak, tapi sebab aku tau aku x apply byk kompeni tu yg aku diam je.... so kesimpulannye..bile korang dengar komplen2 pasal keje dari aku next time..kompem aku dah apply kat 1000 kompeni..skang ni baru around 30-50 kompeni je.. tapi pon, skang ni aku rasa biar la aku tak dapat keje dulu. Wedding KakNgah dah nak dekat. banyak mende kene buat. bulan depan, kompem pagi pentang siang malam aku cari keje.. doakan aku ye!

konvoi raye...lah sangat..

yay!! konvoi raye!! it's that time of the year..ngehehhe... tapi tahun ni tak ramai yg join cam tahun2 lepas.. Gayah tade (ade kelas) Buna tade (kat Kedah) Anim tade (fiance die datang la plak) E'ah tade (kenape la budak seko ni tade ye?) wani tade (taya kete meletop tepi jalan la plak.tros tak dapat join) kak siti tade (ade plan lain) mentos tade (buat open house) nabeela tade (tak dapat nak contact) so yg tinggal? aku, nouk, leen, watek, ngan tiqa...huhuhuhu..walopon x cukup korem..aku still seronok dapat jalan2 ngan dapat makan kuih raya.. 11.20 : umah aku 12.00: umah Nouk 1.45 : umah mentos 3.00 : umah tieqah 6.15 : umah yam kitorang banyak cakap..sebab tu tiap2 umah tu dok macam tanak balik2 dah.. ahad depan round2 KL plak..yay!!

mimpi dan offer

Awal pagi tadi aku bermimpi... aku dapat offer kerje... kat Bangi... betape gembiranye hati aku (dalam mimpi tu) . . . . . . persoalannye...kerje pon aku tak cari lagi..bermimpi je la aku... ps: baru aku teringat, aku dapat keje kat Proton sebagai engineer automotive..err..aku blajar electronics kot..tang mananye motive2 ni pon tatau le aku... editted ps: ni sume adelah mimpi semata2..aku tak dapat keje kat mana2 lagi..harap maklum..