for weeks I've been contemplating, wondering whether to change this blog's layout or not. and with those exams, quizzes, assignments, I really dont have any small tiny little time to squeeze this stuff into. honestly, even if I have the time for it, I'm really too lazy to surf around searching for the skin. too much troublesome. and I'd rather finish my korean dramas so I could delete them off from my nearly overloaded harddrive.
the thing is, my previous blog's skin starting kinda bored me off.
so, this evening, I randomly took a layout that seems cute to me from Pyzam, got the code, put it in the blogs, then voilĂ !
and aint they cute ^^ *smug*
the thing is, my previous blog's skin starting kinda bored me off.
so, this evening, I randomly took a layout that seems cute to me from Pyzam, got the code, put it in the blogs, then voilĂ !
and aint they cute ^^ *smug*