sejak jantung aku mula mengepam2 darah sampai sekarang(syukur kepada Allah) aku agak berbangga dengan tahap kesihatan aku(again, syukur Alhamdulillah). bukan le bermakna aku tak penah demam ke hape ke. mustahil la. tiap2 pagi beringus je idung aku. pantang kene habuk sikit mula la bersin sana bersin sini sampaikan kalo ade orang berdiri depan aku time pembersinan diri sedang berlaku, rasanye orang tuh boleh tercampak kot ke Australia.... that I think back for all the sneeze i got whenever I inhale some dirty air(dusty air to be precise, but who care.all the same to me), it always leads me to a common symptom that always been caught by common people like me. FLU. which later would always lead to a disastrious monstrous huuuuge HEADACHE which I could never seems to able find my way to handle it without using panadol whenever they came. if I'm lucky enough, it would stop there. but when lady luck said to hell with me, fever come to love me dearly. so that I look back, my immune system was not as great as I thought or wish..
so forget about all the boasty words bout my health earlier..
ape yg aku merepek ni daa..
sebenarnye nak cite, yg selama2 aku hidup ni tak pernah kot terpikir yg aku akan merasai perasaan seseorang yg menderita penyakit gatal (walopon aku admit sejak aku mula pandai appreciate keindahan ciptaan Allah, mata aku asyik rasa gatal2 je manjang bile ade je mamat2 hensem+cute kat depan mata).tapi ni bukan gatal mende alah tu, ini alahan. ape ek nama omputeh die? terblur plak skang ni. err....allergic!
ya..skang ni baru aku paham!! gatalnye yg amat Allah saje yg tahu. bayang kaki anda(ankle downwards) kene gigit nyamuk.bukan sebijik, bukan 10 bijik..beratus2 bijik and I'm not even kidding, macam tu le ghupe kaki aku.kalo katak puru dok melompat kat tepi kaki aku, mesti die ingat kaki aku ni long lost cousin die.
ini kali ketiga rashes ni naik. 1st time dulu, gi klinik(sorok2 ok. malu kot) Dr kata maybe kene habuk or somthing2. 2nd time kene, Dr kata allergic dan hati aku kata allergic kemende kat kaki je.dah tu bukan nak bg tau aku allergic ape. 3rd time(currently), Dr kata allergic gak. helloo..explanation please..aku ni allergic ape?? hadeh..
hari tu, time lunch, mak bg tau kalo allergic taleh makan telor, ayam, sotong. dalam masa yg sama mata aku scan kat atas meja. ade lauk telur, ayam masak kicap(kot) ngan sambal sotong. terus aku cakap yg aku tak kire, nak makan sotong gak.gatal x gatal, tu blakang kire...
bapak panjang aku ngomel kali ni..*sigh*
ps: time kecik2 aku mmg gemo gile2 punye gile makan udang. sampaikan suatu hari aku demam ke ape ntah, ayah bawak gi klinik, Dr tak kasi aku makan udang lagi dah..sampai form 3 kot tak sentuh udang. dan sampai hari ni aku tak brape gemo makan udang galah atau ape2 udang yg bentok badan die beso2 that I think back for all the sneeze i got whenever I inhale some dirty air(dusty air to be precise, but who care.all the same to me), it always leads me to a common symptom that always been caught by common people like me. FLU. which later would always lead to a disastrious monstrous huuuuge HEADACHE which I could never seems to able find my way to handle it without using panadol whenever they came. if I'm lucky enough, it would stop there. but when lady luck said to hell with me, fever come to love me dearly. so that I look back, my immune system was not as great as I thought or wish..
so forget about all the boasty words bout my health earlier..
ape yg aku merepek ni daa..
sebenarnye nak cite, yg selama2 aku hidup ni tak pernah kot terpikir yg aku akan merasai perasaan seseorang yg menderita penyakit gatal (walopon aku admit sejak aku mula pandai appreciate keindahan ciptaan Allah, mata aku asyik rasa gatal2 je manjang bile ade je mamat2 hensem+cute kat depan mata).tapi ni bukan gatal mende alah tu, ini alahan. ape ek nama omputeh die? terblur plak skang ni. err....allergic!
ya..skang ni baru aku paham!! gatalnye yg amat Allah saje yg tahu. bayang kaki anda(ankle downwards) kene gigit nyamuk.bukan sebijik, bukan 10 bijik..beratus2 bijik and I'm not even kidding, macam tu le ghupe kaki aku.kalo katak puru dok melompat kat tepi kaki aku, mesti die ingat kaki aku ni long lost cousin die.
ini kali ketiga rashes ni naik. 1st time dulu, gi klinik(sorok2 ok. malu kot) Dr kata maybe kene habuk or somthing2. 2nd time kene, Dr kata allergic dan hati aku kata allergic kemende kat kaki je.dah tu bukan nak bg tau aku allergic ape. 3rd time(currently), Dr kata allergic gak. helloo..explanation please..aku ni allergic ape?? hadeh..
hari tu, time lunch, mak bg tau kalo allergic taleh makan telor, ayam, sotong. dalam masa yg sama mata aku scan kat atas meja. ade lauk telur, ayam masak kicap(kot) ngan sambal sotong. terus aku cakap yg aku tak kire, nak makan sotong gak.gatal x gatal, tu blakang kire...
bapak panjang aku ngomel kali ni..*sigh*
ps: time kecik2 aku mmg gemo gile2 punye gile makan udang. sampaikan suatu hari aku demam ke ape ntah, ayah bawak gi klinik, Dr tak kasi aku makan udang lagi dah..sampai form 3 kot tak sentuh udang. dan sampai hari ni aku tak brape gemo makan udang galah atau ape2 udang yg bentok badan die beso2