hari ni naik satu tangga umur aku. perasaan aku? tak rasa pape..hari still berlalu cam hari2 bese. aku still kene gi kelas. still kene pergi lab. keghairahan nak sambut besday ni cam dah x de sangat. maybe sebab angka dah semakin membesar kot.
but still, the date will always be something I'm looking forward to. eventho there's no significance difference between the day before and today with all those blajar's stuffs, it's still fun.
thanx weih sape yg wish aku. best giller korang ingat^^
ps: smalam, aku hampir lupe kot pasal hari ni. ehehehe..
but still, the date will always be something I'm looking forward to. eventho there's no significance difference between the day before and today with all those blajar's stuffs, it's still fun.
thanx weih sape yg wish aku. best giller korang ingat^^
ps: smalam, aku hampir lupe kot pasal hari ni. ehehehe..