satu minggu ni, masa aku banyak di luangkan tok menghabiskan novel trilogy The Black Magician. Credit kat Cek Watek sebab memperkenalkan dan meminjamkan aku novel2 ni.
macam bese le, taste aku kat novel ni lebih kepada genre romance, fantasy and for these novels, it's more on the fantasy side with a little bit of romance(yay for me! ^^).
serious citer ni best. beautifully written, very captivating, full of adventures, and I just love it!. just cant put it down! (sampai kat kelas pon aku baca novel ni. it's that good!).
trilogy ni consist of 3 novels (but of course la 3 ye tak? nama pon trilogy)
1) the magician guild
The book tells the story of Sonea, a young "dwell" from the slums, as she discovers her magical potential. When she hurls a stone through a magical barrier, accidentally injuring a magician behind it, Sonea finds herself on the run from the powerful Magicians' Guild. The magicians must find her before her uncontrolled and untrained powers kill her and destroy the city, as well as overcome Sonea's distrust and fear of the magicians and their Guild as they try to convince her to join their ranks. - wiki
2) the novice
The book continues the story of a young girl named Sonea as she discovers and learns to control her magical powers; in The Novice, she has agreed to study at the Magicians' Guild under the protection of her new guardian Lord Rothen, and swears to Lord Rothen and another magician, Administrator Lorlen, to keep secret that the High Lord, Akkarin, is using forbidden black magic. -wiki
3) the highlord
the real truth about Akkarin and the black magic reveals in this novel. this one is a really2 page turning one. plus, there's the romance thingy that I LOVE soo much been told here, altho briefly(how I wish there's more). the ending tho, was a bitter sweet. but the thing is, the bitterness was sooo overwhelming, sooo much that I cant even taste the sweetness. heartbreaking to be precise. to the point that I kinda resent the writer for written the ending that way(she killed the wrong character!). still, the book is good! truly! -keireen
hbs baca buku yg last skali malam smalam. dalam pkol 2.30 pagi baru selesai. perasaan aku? TAK PUAS HATI!!! pasal watak yg aku suke mati. bodoh punye penulis! punye la tak puas hati, sampai kan tak bley nak tdo. tertekan aku. cis!
all and all, trilogy ni best giller. tak rugi beb baca!